Basketball is like society - you're going to have good and bad.

I've learned pretty quickly you better be able to adjust daily.

More games are won during practice than during the game itself.

TALENT and WORK ETHIC, the most important and RARE combination.

If you win the conference tournament, it doesn't mean anything.

I have a plan of action, but the game is a game of adjustments.

Never let a person's weakness get in the way of their strength.

Good sound habits are more important than rules - use concepts.

I believe a big part of leadership is about winning the moment.

It is the ultimate honor for a coach to be his country's coach.

We do not win championships with girls. We win with competitors

The person, the student, the athlete, all are considered equal.

Nothing meaningful or lasting comes without working hard at it.

Help one kid at a time. He'll maybe go back and help a few more.

Keep it simple, when you get too complex you forget the obvious.

You play ball against yourself; your opponent is your potential.

You have to prepare well to ultimately get where you want to go.

Everyone on the bench stands for the man coming out of the game.

Players must do what you want them to do in pressure situations.

I love watching players improve - even as a Little League coach.

I'm not against taking shots, but I am against taking bad shots.

You've gotta learn to love the grind. Because life IS the grind.

I gotta be able to sleep at night knowing that I'm being honest.

Sometimes Kellen calls me 'Coach.' Sometimes he calls me 'Pops.'

I mean, the greatest athletes in the world are African-American.

Defense is one man guarding the ball and four others helping him

Sometimes in a defeat, you can set the stage for future victory.

Why do you play a game? I play a game to see how good we can be.

When you're playing against a stacked deck, compete even harder.

Silence is a form of communication, too. Sometimes less is more.

Group discipline produces a unified effort toward a common goal.

All things move on, good and bad. Never get too high or too low.

When love and discipline come together you have great chemistry.

I'd learned how much happiness money can bring you. Very little.

If you keep your eyes fixed on Christ, He's going to reward you.

The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets.

My grandparents taught me about hard work, about fear of failure.

True success in the N.B.A., you must have consistency of culture.

It's a treasure to be part of a Game 7 against a worthy opponent.

When you get a draft pick right, you should be given full credit.

When you can't be loyal to your friends, I don't like that world.

God does nothing apart from prayer, but he does everything by it.

Coaching is what I love to do, and I think I'm pretty good at it.

Making shots counts, but not as much as the people who make them.

The other thing I knew I had was a high level of competitiveness.

Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.

Teamwork is what makes common people capable of uncommon results.

If you want to be in the game you better shoot 75% from the line.

I want to go to practice. I want to be in the huddles. That's me.

The quality of the pass leads directly to the quality of the shot

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