People are more used to seeing men who are masters at an instrument than women.

I am more of a solo bass player and he needed somebody who would keep the role.

'Justice' is the biggest challenge 'cause it's also complex in the arrangements.

You don't have to be fearless to do anything, you can be scared out of your mind.

You really have to play with the space in a riff so it can be allowed to breathe.

When I was younger, I was trying to create from attitude more than anything else.

The internet has huge advantages but its downside is the easy access to resources.

It's all about the experience and having a good time and connecting with the fans.

I was fortunate to not get wrapped up too hard in anything that was too dangerous.

We're not just a band playing songs, we're a safe place to go forget your troubles.

Jazz has always been a melting pot of influences and I plan to incorporate them all.

Anybody can make the simple complecated. Creativity is making the complecated simple.

When you're concentrating on just the music, you're not thinking about anything else.

It wasn't until high school that I realized Avenged Sevenfold was picking up locally.

If light is the spiritual quality of painting, color is surely its heart and passion.

I don't think technology is viable unless the person applying it has something to say.

I actually met Chick Corea in New York, where I was staying with a bass player friend.

The majority of people mistakenly feel like they don't need a live musical experience.

I felt a responsibility to present a viable alternative to the popular electric sound.

Alchohol doesn't make you make you Lean...on tables, chairs & random people!!!

What is up with this Ashley Purdy day tomorrow,I see? Do I need to dress up as myself?!

I love a lot of reggae, but Ive never had the opportunity to play with any reggae guys.

I often stand by the merchandise booth, point to a poster and tell people, 'That's me.'

I love a lot of reggae, but I've never had the opportunity to play with any reggae guys.

Genre boundaries are good for marketing but they all but disappear when you're a player.

I'm always pulling and really feeding off of my inspirations. I think most musicians do.

I am a classical music lover - not necessarily the contemporary stuff, but the old stuff.

I think punk rock, especially for me, was a big middle finger to this whole talent thing.

What I have learned about Metallica is that it's all about taking chances and challenges.

If you choose to take care of yourself, you're going to get more mileage for your career.

We see kids out there on their parent's shoulders rocking out. And that's really special.

Drop Pants, Not Bombs. Break Dance, Not Hearts. Draft Beer, Not People. Make LOVE, Not WAR.

Well, the thing is, I actually have a fear of horses, so I wouldnt make a very good cowboy.

The fans have always been die-hard and awesome. That's why we do a lot of the things we do.

We're lucky to have such great fans that have stood by us, let us be us and try new things.

I was very famous as a young man and I celebrated both the good and bad times with drinking.

A lot of the great songwriters in history have been collaborators, with a separate lyricist.

If I'm paying money to come to see you, you shouldn't look like everybody else in the crowd.

Much like a patchwork quilt, inspiration that stirs and motivates me is made of many things.

It's really a rush and a thrill to feel you've been part of a body of music that's inspiring.

Any band that you have, any relationship in your life, is gonna come with moments of tension.

I try to just be the person I am, with a lot of sensitivity to the genre in which I'm playing.

If you look at the charts every year, there may be five or ten memorable songs from each year.

I don't meditate before I play or compose, but I see playing and composing as meditative acts.

I think the future looks great for music, musicians, bass players, and all we love about music.

My home studio is my private instrument for me only. It's not intended to record anyone but me.

I'm really not this jazz traditionalist guy you've been making me out to be all of these years.

We've never been shy to admit that Metallica is a huge influence in our lives and on our music.

I firmly believe that a representational painting is only as strong as its abstract components.

That's all I ever do, just try and do the best I can and cater to the song, cater to the music.

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