One advantage of bad bidding is that you get practice at playing atrocious contracts.

Learn all you can from the mistakes of others. You won't have time to make them all yourself.

The real test of a bridge player isn’t in keeping out of trouble, but in escaping once he’s in.

God and the politicians willing, the United States can declare peace upon the world, and win it.

It's not enough to win the tricks that belong to you. Try also for some that belong to the opponents.

The bizarre world of cards is a world of pure power politics where rewards and punishments are meted out immediately.

A deck of cards is built like the purest of hierarchies, with every card a master to those below it, a lackey to those above it.

Since the average person's small supply of politeness must last him all his life, he can't afford to waste it on bridge partners.

My interest in philosophy began as early as eight years old - I started thinking about those kinds of heavy questions about life and humanity.

The music and the philosophy feed off of one another on a subconscious level, though I've never really integrated my academic teaching into songwriting. But what they have in common is that they're both ways to tap into the mysterious parts of our world.

A digital download is not as visceral as buying a CD, removing the shrink-wrap, putting the disc in your player, and pouring through the booklet of lyrics and liner notes. The digital age has removed us from the tactile experience of what it meant to listen to an album.

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