Don't give up, courage is my conviction.

I rely a great deal on animal instincts.

Talent comes from experience and failure

Have fun do good and the money will come

Wine, like life, is meant to be enjoyed.

Do real and permanent good in this world.

I can't afford to pay them any other way.

Tax is for the poor or the stupid people.

No matter how big you are, details count!

Envy and jealousy are incurable diseases.

Young man, make your name worth something.

If thou dost not sow, thou shalt not reap.

Don’t aim for perfection, aim for success.

Nostalgia often leads to idle speculation.

After all - life is not a dress rehearsal!

Making money from money is like aerobatics.

Discount the obvious, bet on the unexpected

If we are not trusted, we have no business.

Change everything except your wife and kids

One day offices will be a thing of the past

I realize that my worst day is pretty good.

The key factor in my strategy is longevity.

Mr. Morgan buys his partners; I grow my own.

I guess the kid had everything but the luck.

I'm only rich because I know when I'm wrong.

Luck is when determination meets opportunity

I've learned that all investments have risk.

No man becomes rich unless he enriches others.

What I learned from my father is to think big.

Choose great people and shine in their shadows

Success Comes from listening to your customer.

Don’t just play the game – change it for good.

A good leader doesn't get stuck behind a desk.

Loyalty and friendship trumps politics for me.

A sunny disposition is worth more than fortune.

Whatever I engage in, I must push inordinately.

Regrets and recriminations only hurt your soul.

Everything involves a risk. No risk, no reward.

My wealth is not a subject I relish discussing.

So I've seen life as one long learning process.

I know enough to know that no man is an island.

So Israel won't be a democratic state, so what.

The morality of compromise sounds contradictory.

I have earned the money and changed the nappies!

Consider getting smaller in order to get bigger.

When people screw up, give them a second chance.

Listen to the customer's complaint and act fast.

Next to my mom, I'm actually a shrinking violet.

I always make sure I hire people smarter than me.

It'd be good for the world if [Donald Trump] won.

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