There is always a plan B.

Evolution is your solution.

Batista does look pretty mad.

He who laughs last, laughs best.

Never fear because Triple H is here.

I am The Game and I am that damn good!

Room service. You like me fluff pillow?

Tear to a glass eye. Tear to a glass eye.

This Game is not over, it is just beginning.

This is a game that you don't want to be in!

What the hell kind of family did I marry into?

'WWE Redefined' has become my new catchphrase.

Looks to me, Vince, like you hit a hole in one.

I've been showing up late and dirty all my life.

If you're going to set an ambition, set it high.

My parents were hoarders before hoarding was cool

I get meals when I can, or I have protein shakes.

My bazooka is locked, cocked, and ready to unload.

Lita wait! I need advice on taking 5 guys at once!

Hollywood's great, but wrestling is my first love.

Sting's legacy was built on Ric Flair's reputation.

For the love of God, does anybody got a toothbrush?

So parents, get your children's permission to watch!

When in doubt, figure it out. That's the redneck way.

Work without fun is like peanut butter without jelly.

God's first, then family, then whatever else you love.

Alcohol does kill brain cells, because you've lost it.

Something stinks here, and this time, it's not just him.

Undertaker, your yard is right in the middle of my world!

Most things can be fixed with duct tape and extension cords.

The No. 1 rule in duck hunting is to go where the ducks are.

Where I come from your truck is a reflection of who you are.

I don't like meat from the grocery store, it makes me nervous

What is this, a Hybrid? You guys must be proud of yourselves.

Most things in life are better when you just cut to the chase.

A duck tastes the same whether they're shot sitting or flying.

I represent Jesus on this earth and he represents me in heaven.

You're probably right; he probably needs medication. That's all.

When you don't know what you're doing, it's best to do it quickly.

You ever tried to pick up your teeth with a bunch of broken fingers

Parental Discretion is advised, but will be completely f*n, ignored

It seems a fine line between being a matador and being a rodeo clown

If you’re too busy to duck hunt or catch fish, then you’re too busy.

I'm into the true meaning of Christmas - Faith, Family, and Facial hair.

Frog catching is the most fun a human being can have while on this earth.

I don't look like I've been on a week long crack binge with Amy Winehouse.

Hey, get a nice shot of the brand-new Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley!

Come on, Chris. It'll be just you, me, and the great, wide open over here.

First of all, Jericho...Liberace called and said he wants his pajamas back!

Most people named Willie are either in prison or on the armwrestling circuit.

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