Data is a tool for enhancing intuition.

Size doesn't matter, fast data is better than big data

As your competitors learn more, you'll need to learn, too.

I think e-mail should be sorted by importance, not by time.

The job of the data scientist is to ask the right questions.

Teaching someone to program is like giving them a superpower.

As much as I love being an artist, I love being a mom even more.

Science is the practice of failing repeatedly but learning as you go.

I wish I'd known more about how to build a startup when I was younger.

It's rare that you can solve a technology problem with more technology.

To gain the competitive edge, companies must master the ability to innovate.

Everyone likes taking their own photos and seeing themselves reflected back.

I built a career on my archetype, and I'm grateful, but I'm trying to stretch.

I grew up as a computer scientist, and I've always been fascinated by algorithms.

Data science is the combination of analytics and the development of new algorithms.

It turns out it's important to build a product and not just a bunch of data models.

now I am capable of youth, but not capable of few years - that is the pitiful thing.

I believe there are a lot of inefficiencies in the way technical innovation happens.

It's a huge competitive advantage to see in real time what's happening with your data.

Value experiences by how much you're learning, and if you're aren't learning, move on.

Nobody really cares about short links, but people do care about saving and sharing content.

The history of the world has been one not of conquest, as supposed; it has been one of ennui.

My attention is the most valuable resource I have. I can protect it with an information diet.

I hope that, in the future, data is used to empower people and not just for marketing purposes.

Creating things that people want to tie into their identity is the best way to make them spread.

Data science requires having that cultural space to experiment and work on things that might fail.

The core advantage of data is that it tells you something about the world that you didn't know before.

The Coens both give you direction, and then it's up to you to kind of figure out the music of what they're saying.

Sometimes I'll say, "When Sandy Bullock and I were doing Speed - the movie, not the drug." Just in case someone's listening.

In tech entrepreneurship, even a lot of hack events tend to be overly commercial in that they're designed to produce companies.

Cool innovation might happen in startups, but they often lack the resources or the deep expertise in the problems they want to address.

I'm very lucky to work at bitly, with a data set that allows us to explore human social behavior at the scale of human social behavior.

If you find something obscure fascinating, learn as much about it as you can, because there's a good chance it won't be obscure for long.

I believe technology should give us superpowers. Everyone should have the opportunity to learn to think, analyze, and create with technology.

My Grinnell education didn't prepare me directly for the work that I'm doing, but it did give me the tools that I needed to focus my curiosity.

If you just think Donnie Darkos a weird movie, you don't want to think. You don't want to feel your feelings. So yeah, I do want to shake 'em up.

I love smoking. I miss it every day of my life. If I found out that it didn't cause cancer, I would go out and buy, like, eight cartons right now.

In some ways, chocolate chip cookie recipes are my favorite algorithms. You put a bunch of bad-for-you stuff in a bowl and get a delicious result.

The sender and subject line are actually the most important parts of an e-mail because people tend to put more important information in the subject.

I'm a huge fan of the liberal arts approach of teaching you to think, analyze, and communicate, then sending you out into the world to cause trouble.

There is nothing like going on a stage. You are in the saddle, and you've got to ride that horse, and there's nothing more thrilling and exhilarating.

It's easy to find people who can make pretty pictures, and it's easy to find people who can do math. But it's difficult to find people who can do both.

Don't be afraid to push your company in the direction you think is right - you'll either be fired or promoted, and either outcome will end up just fine.

I've died so many times in so many movies. What is it about my face that people want to kill it? I'm sure they would've killed Kitty Farmer if they could've!

Technology is giving companies superpowers to compete more intelligently and capture the data behind changing trends, expanding markets, and new opportunities.

I grew up around people, so I know 'em, and I do like playin' 'em. I'm not religious, but I am kind of a spiritual fanatic, so maybe I understand them in that way.

I can remember before 'Rain Man,' I just couldn't get in on anything, any features. After that and it winning the Oscar - the next year, I co-starred in six movies.

At Rain Man, I was 38. And before that, I had really just started working when I was 36. I was very late. So I've got time, right? As long as I stay healthy and eat right.

There's always that key to every character that lets you go to those places you need to go to. No matter how much you might hate the character, it makes you understand it.

My job is to analyze our data set to understand it and build products on it. I look at raw data, do the math to clean it up, and build systems to make it easy to understand.

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