The scheme of a game is played on positional lines; the decision of it, as a rule, is effected by combinations.

We cannot resist the fascination of sacrifice, since a passion for sacrifices is part of a Chessplayer's nature

No matter how much theory progresses, how radically styles change, chess play is inconceivable without tactics.

First-class players lose to second-class players because second-class players sometimes play a first-class game

Chess is so inspiring that I do not believe a good player is capable of having an evil thought during the game.

During a chess tournament a master must envisage himself as a cross between an ascetic monk and a beast of prey.

Pawns not only create the sketch for the whole painting, they are also the soil, the foundation, of any position

Las Vegas is a beautiful place. I like it more and more and plan to be here often. It's a great place for chess.

My idea is to make moves to bring chess back to the world's map, to make it part of the world's geography again.

But you see when I play a game of Bobby, there is no style. Bobby played perfectly. And perfection has no style.

Memorization of variations could be even worse than playing in a tournament without looking in the books at all.

I am more strongly confirmed than ever in the belief that the time devoted to chess is literally frittered away.

... a lively imagination can exercise itself most fully and creatively in conjuring up magnificent combinations.

Chess is so inspiring that I do not believe a good player is capable of haviong an evil thought during the game.

As you get stronger, you learn to maintain the position against higher rated players. This comes with experience.

It's easy for me to get along with chess players. Even though we are all very different, we have chess in common.

Your body has to be in top condition. Your Chess deteriorates as your body does. You can't separate body from mind

The ability to play chess is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to play chess well is the sign of a wasted life.

Good players develop a tactical instinct, a sense of what is possible or likely and what is not worth calculating.

Everybody uses computers to train so much now that the first nine or 10 moves of a match are made without thinking.

It's interesting to find new things with the game. It's fun finding new positions, new openings and new strategies.

I would say out of all the things I studied growing up, math was probably one of the things that I liked the least.

Intellectual activity is perhaps the greatest pleasure of life; chess is one of the forms of intellectual activity.

Preparedness for a game that usually lasts four-five hours requires good physical condition and also steady nerves.

Chess is a very logical game and it is the man who can reason most logically and profoundly in it that ought to win.

I believe that for the audience the best way to give the commentating is to avoid going into the deep, deep details.

Some people think that if their opponent plays a beautiful game, it's OK to lose. I don't. You have to be merciless.

The human element, the human flaw and the human nobility - those are the reasons that chess matches are won or lost.

We want more women players to take up chess. There are few participants at the national level and hope it will grow.

The fact that the 7 hours time control allows us to play a great deep game is not of great importance for mass-media.

I lost the match. I blame only myself for this. There were many opportunities to win. But I missed them, no one else.

You must take your opponent into a deep dark forest where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one

It is very difficult to play a single blitz game! You want to play for a long time. So I tend not to do that anymore.

Objectivity consists in understanding that the only one who never makes a mistake is the one who never does anything.

Bobby Fischer has an enormous knowledge of chess and his familiarity with the chess literature of the USSR is immense.

Even in the heat of a middlegame battle the master still has to bear in mind the outlines of a possible future ending.

Independence of thought is a most valuable quality in a chess-player, both at the board and when preparing for a game.

In chess, everyone's accepted. That's what's great about it. You can be a little bit different. You can be an oddball.

Analysis, if it is really carried out with a complete concentration of his powers, forms and completes a chess player.

Right now I'm really happy with how things are going with my chess career, so I'm not thinking of doing anything else.

Some people think that if their opponent plays a beautiful game, it's okay to lose. I don't. You have to be merciless.

Just as one's imagination is stirred by a girl's smile, so is one's imagination stirred by the possibilities of chess.

The ideal in chess can only be a collective image, but in my opinion it is Capablanca who most closely approaches this.

I was never invited to the White House. They invited that Olympic Russian gymnast - that little Communist, Olga Korbut.

The power of hanging Pawns is based precisely in their Mobility, in their Ability to create acute situations instantly.

Some pieces in the King's Indian appear on a 'special price' list: the dark square bishops are at the top of that list.

Despite the documented evidence by chess historian HJR Murray, I've always thought that chess was invented by a goddess

Most strong players are completely self-centered.... They are blind to how other people feel or else simply don't care.

None of the great players has been so incomprehensible to the majority of amateurs and even masters, as Emanuel Lasker.

I have no problem with other women, but if I had played against ladies there would be a huge gap between the two of us.

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