No, I'm not doing 'Star Wars.'

My family lives on Long Island.

Color correction is one of my things.

Don't think of your gender as a handicap.

A lot of TV and film commits to one tone.

Real people - everyone is not just one thing.

'The Handmaid's Tale' is a very special story.

I don't miss film projecting. I always hated it.

It's interesting vocalizing something that is visual.

You can't just stick with what you know, you have to evolve.

I try to shoot film wherever possible. There's nothing like it.

Don’t get hung up on the female thing. The art is not about that.

A lot of cinematography is intuition. It's an art, not a formula.

I would rather be hired solely for my talent, not just to fill a quota.

A good [film] director is talented, imaginative, and does his homework.

I love strong women like Uma Thurman, Meryl Streep, and Charlize Theron.

My dreams are like fuzzy Charlie Kaufman movies, so I love going to sleep.

I don't like to be in front of the camera - my place is behind the camera.

Complexity is not good. People don't understand the elegance of simplicity.

The best way to know when there's good lighting is when you don't notice it.

For me, movies should be visual. If you want dialogue, you should read a book.

I learned a lot while I was ACing and gripping for other DPs as I was coming up.

Whatever it is that makes you the person you are - that's what I love. All of it.

I think, retrospectivety helps to hone your ideas for future projects. I like it.

If you use hand-held techniques just to make the film stylish I think it's wrong.

I do think it's unfair for women who get pegged with creating fare for other women.

You don't have to shoot the film in the first couple days of principal photography.

I have a lot of brothers and male cousins. I grew up in an informal, jokey environment.

For each movie that I do, I like to find a specific language to tell the specific story.

Grips and electricians have done more to help me shoot good movies than any other craft.

Sometimes the shots serve as homages to other movies and other directors, like Hitchcock.

I can tell you that going to the Oscars is not as exciting as people think, at least for me.

We moved around every winter. I don't know. Maybe my dad was, like, on the run from the law.

Faith in your own powers and confidence in your individual methods are essential to success.

I have a playlist for every project that I do. I made one for 'Handmaid' before I got the job.

I wanted to shoot the sex scenes unadorned so that the actors could really live in the moment.

The instant feeling I had after I gave birth was you couldn't get that baby in my hands fast enough.

I like movies as a viewer that challenge me to actually think rather than spoon feed everything to me.

Believe me, I don't like being photographed. I don't like myself in pictures. Actually, I do sometimes.

You can't expect everything to happen all at once when it's been such a male-dominated world for so long.

There is something more to "reality" than just the tangible. There is also mood, and you cannot skip that.

I think too many film students in America are losing the artistry and not learning lighting the right way.

Funny enough, the most discrimination I've ever gotten as a woman in this industry has been from other women.

In America, we tend to be very sheltered, and I'm speaking from personal experience because I feel sheltered.

I don't know the American photographers as well, but I admit I love Ansel Adams. His landscapes are so crisp.

I did sound for a number of years, so I know the pain of the sound mixer on a set where everybody was talking.

I like to say that lighting is about taking the light away. I often like to use the shadows more than the light.

I am actually retired - yes, I am retired. But I like to work. So I'm retired until someone calls me up to work.

As an actor, Sean [Penn] is brilliant. And he's really an excellent director, as well. We got along really well.

I'm a minimalist. I see things in simple ways...It's human nature to define complexity as better. Well, it's not.

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