Everyone holds a piece of the truth.

Non-violence is the article of faith.

Self-respect knows no considerations.

Think for tomorrow but act for today.

See the good in people and help them.

Change yourself - you are in control.

Heroes are made in the hour of defeat

Nonviolence is an unchangeable creed.

Watches may disagree, but let us not.

Solitude is a catalyst for innovation

Nonviolence is the summit of bravery.

I believe all war to be wholly wrong.

I trust men only because I trust God.

Untouchability is a terrible reality.

Poverty is the worst form of violence.

Your action expresses your priorities.

Nothing is so aggravating as calmness.

Freedom and slavery are mental states.

To see farther, you must climb higher.

I think it would be an excellent idea.

Ahimsa is my God, and Truth is my God.

Idleness is the great plague of India.

Man alone is made in the image of God.

The Law which governs all life is God.

War knows no law except that of might.

God is always the upholder of justice.

Truth is the right designation of God.

The one religion is beyond all speech.

To lose patience is to lose the battle.

Be the change you are trying to create.

We must be the world we want to create.

Happiness eludes us if we run after it.

Man cannot breathe with borrowed lungs.

Waiting on God means increasing purity.

I know no diplomacy save that of truth.

Salvation of the Gita is perfect peace.

Renunciation is everyone's prerogative.

I do not wish disaster to British arms.

My religion has no geographical limits.

Violence is the fear to other's ideals.

Non-cooperation with tyrants is a duty.

If you`d be loved, be worthy to be love

Forgiveness is the virtue of the brave.

True beauty consists of purity of heart.

Eye for eye and the world will go blind.

Love is no love which asks for a return.

Love is the subtlest force in the world.

True beauty lies in purity of the heart.

Let us work together for unity and love.

Without prayer there is no inward peace.

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