We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.

We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.

Teen boys are a huge mess.

I was a handful growing up.

Everybody is a teenage idol.

You've got to grow up sometime.

I love being a part of Aqua Teen.

The 'Teen Wolf' fans are so great.

I was considered chubby as a teen.

It's hard to feel like a teen idol.

I was a teen idol in Latin America.

Youth comes but once in a lifetime.

Keep true to the dreams of your youth.

I'd never made a teen comedy in my life.

I've never really been a rebellious teen.

As a teen, I was both anorexic and bulimic.

Adolescence is just one big walking pimple.

When I was a teenager, I read a lot of Poe.

I hate it when people call me a teen queen.

I was a teen star. That's disgusting enough.

To even be called the 'teen queen' is crazy.

All that stuff - 'teen idol' - that wasn't me.

We must tell girls their voices are important.

Maturity is only a short break in adolescence.

Time scoots along pretty fast when you grow up.

I was a typical Valley teen, in smoggy Van Nuys.

I was a happy kid up until I hit the teen years.

Teen drug use went up dramatically in the 1990s.

As a teen, 'Thunder Road' was always in my head.

Growing up, I've enjoyed hunting with my father.

As a unique person, I was bullied badly as a teen.

I was a teen idol and that has a short shelf life.

All teenagers have this desire to somehow run away.

I was a quiet teenager, introverted, full of angst.

People love teen movies because everyone can relate.

I wasn't going to have fun doing a teen movie again.

Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.

I became a teen idol. At the time, it embarrassed me.

Since my teen years I was interested in martial arts.

I got through my teen years by being a bit of a clown.

Yes, but I don't think of the Teen Angel as of an age.

I grew up watching a lot of stuff, like 'Teen Titans.'

Being a teen idol is what I've waited for my whole life.

Trump gets too much credit for 'Teen Vogue''s evolution.

I don't want to just be in the normal kind of teen movie.

I was a total metal-head as a teen. I still love it, too.

Nobody understands anyone 18, including those who are 18.

Adolescence is the conjugator of childhood and adulthood.

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

If you just watch a teenager, you see a lot of uncertainty.

With any teen show, there's going to be drama and heartache.

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