To believe in the God over us and around us and not in the God within us - that would be a powerless and fruitless faith.

In my lowest moments, when I genuinely longed for death, I knew that Jesus would walk with me through that valley as well.

I am convinced that Christian fundamentalism is a far greater threat to this country than Muslim terrorists could ever be.

Every man is an original and solitary character. None can either understand or feel the book of his own life like himself.

Because of their excessive commitment to a literal Bible, fundamentalist Christians have fallen into the trap of biblioltry.

A wise man looks upon men as he does on horses; all their caparisons of title, wealth, and place, he considers but as harness.

Where charity stands watching and faith holds wide the door the dark night wakes - the glory breaks, Christmas comes once more.

No one ever fell under the burden of the day; it is only when the burden of tomorrow is added that the load becomes unbearable.

The Old and New Testaments contain but one scheme of religion. Neither part of this scheme can be understood without the other.

The feet of the humblest may walk in the field Where the feet of the Holiest trod, This, then, is the marvel to mortals revealed.

Do not dare to live without some clear intention toward which your living shall be bent. Mean to be something with all your might.

O Risen Christ! O Easter Flower! How dear Thy Grace has grown! From east to west, with loving power, Make all the world Thine own.

Self-confidence is either a petty pride in our own narrowness, or a realization of our duty and privilege as one of God's children.

The lives of men who have been always growing are strewed along their whole course with the things they have learned to do without.

It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of the great whole of life dawn on you.

While reason is puzzling itself about mystery, faith is turning it to daily bread, and feeding on it thankfully in her heart of hearts.

Wherever souls are being tried and ripened, in whatever commonplace and homely way, there God is hewing out the pillars for His temple.

It is good for us to think that no grace or blessing is truly ours till we are aware that God has blessed some one else with it through us.

You must learn, you must let God teach you, that the only way to get rid of your past is to make a future out of it. God will waste nothing.

To say 'well done'to any bit of good work is to take hold of the powers which have made the effort and strengthen them beyond our knowledge.

Sin, without strong restraints, would pull God from His throne, make the world the minion of its lusts, and all beings bow down and worship.

Be such a man, and live such a life, that if every man were such as you, and every life a life like yours, this earth would be God's Paradise.

Life comes before literature, as the material always comes before the work. The hills are full of marble before the world blooms with statues.

To say, 'well done' to any bit of good work is to take hold of the powers which have made the effort and strengthen them beyond our knowledge.

God's way of answering the Christian's prayer for more patience, experience, hope and love often is to put him into the furnace of affliction.

Very strange is this quality of our human nature which decrees that unless we feel a future before us we do not live completely in the present.

Wherever, in any world, a soul, by free-willed obedience, catches the fire of God's likeness, it is set into the growing walls, a living stone.

No man has come to true greatness who has not felt that his life belongs to his race, and that which God gives to him, He gives him for mankind.

The place where two friends first met is sacred to them all through their friendship, all the more sacred as their friendship deepens and grows old.

Of all noxious animals, the most noxious is a tourist. And of all tourists the most vulgar, ill-bred, offensive and loathsome is the British tourist.

We do not want to lose our grief, because our grief is bound up with our love and we could not cease to mourn without being robbed of our affections.

It would be catastrophic if one day these fundamentalists Christians gain enough political power to enforce their literal understanding of Mosaic Law.

We never become truly spiritual by sitting down and wishing to become so. You must undertake something so great that you cannot accomplish it unaided.

Distrust your religion unless it is cheerful, unless it turns every act and deed to music and exults in attempts to catch the harmony of the new life.‎

Much as we deplore our condition in life, nothing would make us more satisfied with it than the changing of places, for a few days, with our neighbors.

The words 'God is love' conclude a biblical warning, not a warm and fuzzy slogan. 'He who doesn't love [his neighbor] doesn't love God, for God is love.'

Devotion is like the candle which Michael Angelo used to take in his pasteboard cap, so as not to throw his shadow upon the work in which he was engaged.

There's something in the cross that says this is not just about my "salvation" but about the "salvation" of all those who suffer injustice and inequality.

No one who has come to true greatness has not felt in some degree that his life belongs to the people, and what God has given them he gives it for mankind.

The truest help we can render an afflicted man is not to take his burden from him, but to call out his best energy, that he may be able to bear the burden.

There are passages of the Bible that are soiled forever by the touches of the hands of ministers who delight in the cheap jokes they have left behind them.

Think of life as a voyage. The truest liver of the truest life is like a voyager who, as he sails, is not indifferent to all the beauty of the sea around him.

We anticipate a time when the love of truth shall have come up to our love of liberty, and men shall be cordially tolerant and earnest believers both at once.

Those who help a child help humanity with an immediateness which no other help given to human creature in any other stage of human life can possibly give again.

There is such a difference between coming out of sorrow thankful for relief, and coming out of sorrow full of sympathy with and trust in Him who has released us.

Call your opinions your creed, and you will change it every week. Make your creed simply and broadly out of the revelation of God, and you may keep it to the end.

Pray the largest prayers. You cannot think a prayer so large that God, in answering it, will not wish you had made it larger. Pray not for crutches but for wings.

The history of all the great characters of the Bible is summed up in this one sentence: They acquainted themselves with God, and acquiesced His will in all things.

Never be afraid to bring the transcendent mysteries of our faith, Christ's life and death and resurrection, to the help of the humblest and commonest of human wants.

The Saviour comes in the strength of righteousness. Righteousness is at the bottom of all things. Righteousness is thorough; it is the very spirit of unsparing truth.

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