Fidel Castro was a born rebel.

Human beings understand too much.

Propaganda replaces moral philosophy.

Writing is my favorite part of the job.

I don't like corporate diversity workshops.

As a journalist, your job is to bear witness.

Fidel Castro was loved and hated passionately.

If the news is that important, it will find me.

For maximum impact, listen more and speak less.

You can't pack everything into every single story.

I counted them all out and I counted them all back.

Man will not live without answers to his questions.

There can be no rainbow without a cloud and a storm.

We write an awful lot of stories about Donald Trump.

There is more dynamite in an idea than in many bombs.

I actually think with age comes some level of wisdom.

Fox News is a virtual public square for conservatives.

The getting lost and recovering - that is the meditation.

One guy can't create a field, but you can get people thinking.

We need to continue to strive to tell these different stories.”

Reach up as far as you can, and God will reach down all the way.

[On General William Boykin] I hope he's not long for this world.

Sometimes you just gotta cry, but you never,ever do it in public.

Donald Trump seems to prefer people he sees as being on his side.

Michelle Obama is somebody who really wants to take the high road.

We are pilgrims, not settlers; this earth is our inn, not our home.

The more I watched cable, the more I realized the value of newspapers.

I've learned that the best political reporters never make predictions!

Fidel Castro is one of the most inspiring leaders of the 20th century.

The Truth is realized in an instant; the Act is practiced step by step.

Journalism is always the art of the incomplete. You get bits and pieces.

For Fox, it's extremely discomfiting not to be No. 1 all day, every day.

There is a feedback loop between Trump and TV that is both good and bad.

Biden can talk about politics not needing to be a raging fire. But it is.

The Fox-Trump feedback loop is unlike anything we've seen in media before.

When reading, only read. When eating, only eat. When thinking, only think.

If I dress like a schlump, I think like a schlump and I work like a schlump.

I'm afraid the President election is going to be rigged. I have to be honest.

Fox is great at making mountains out of molehills. Hannity is the best at it.

Trump lies a whole lot more than Joe Biden or any other Democratic politician.

Just keep clear mind, go straight ahead, try, try, try for ten thousand years.

I am still mostly a moron, I do get into bad moods, I am not a perfected being.

Meditation is just simple brain exercise. I exercise and this made sense to me.

A good special education teacher is hard to find and even harder to hang on to.

No one is talking. No one is emailing. No one is texting. It's spooky and scary.

The political system, folks, is rigged. It's a rigged, disgusting, dirty system.

A growing number of Muslims in America, more than 40 percent are African-American

If you're meditating and it's easy, you're either enlightened or you're cheating.

On the Web no subject is sacrosanct. No one, from icon to unknown, is off-limits.

The New York Times' coverage of Trump's taxes is an emperor-has-no-clothes moment.

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