Willpower is steam for life's locomotion.

He can play that leg glance with a walking stick also.

If you climbed one step, it means you can climb the rest.

In Sales, you have to satisfy two people: One, your customer. Two, your Boss.

Willpower is breath and heartbeat of life; Life blooms in the girdle of taut willpower.

Nothing bad can happen to us if we were on a plane in India with Sachin Tendulkar on it.

Players recognize the sense of humility that comes with the cap and with wearing the cap.

Having scored 298 and still hitting a six is something unimaginable and you need to be a genius for that.

Jazz is improvisation and syncopation, with resilience and flow, with earthy elegance, nuance and subtlety, with the integrity of individual expression within (usually) a group context, with true democracy in action.

Willpower is the fuel that runs human life; Like a driver in a computer application, Or Operating System in cyber programme, Willpower works life to performances; Life is deadwood; life, robust carrion, Without willpower in bright flame within.

I am happy that we are not favorites. To be very honest it's big pressure of being favorites. We were not favorites last time (in 2011) too but we played excellent cricket. Similarly this time, there are teams which play on those bouncy wickets like Australia and South Africa, and are probably bigger favorites than us. But we hope that with the type of resources we have we can do well.

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