I have never played a Test match at the Eden... It's such a big shame and disappointment.

The Caribbean is all Third World islands and it's very tough to raise the money for sports.

It's not the things we get but the hearts we touch that will determine our success in life.

If I have a son and he decides to play cricket, I will want him to bat like Sachin Tendulkar.

Socialism is workable only in heaven where it isn't needed, and in hell where they've got it.

You can't fake passion. It is the fuel that drives any dream and makes you happy to be alive.

Awaiting to see the other side of the Coin, whatever it is, Accept it, because you Deserve it

Good captains know the strengths and weaknesses of their teams and make decisions accordingly.

I want to be a consistent individual. I want to be someone my team can depend on all the time.

I will go for a simple girl who's completely in tune with me and who gets along with my family.

I have enjoyed playing in England, and have enjoyed the reception I've got from the people here.

A guy who is walking out of his crease purposefully because he wants to take advantage is wrong.

I was not depressed when they got me out. I have always taken my dismissals as part of the game.

Dream big dreams, but never forget that realistic short-term goals are the keys to your success.

I forget it's Shane Warne and just think of him as any old bowler lobbing down a lump of leather.

Dhoni has the respect of all other playing. nations. I've found him to be a really strong. leader

Behind me is infinite power, before me is endless possibility, around me is boundless opportunity.

I believe cricket is a harder game. If at age six you started both sports you'd excel at golf more.

You don't need a group of superstars, you need a team working together to bring you better results.

Sachin is the greatest player I have seen. I consider it an honour to have rubbed shoulders with him

When things aren't going well it can feel like the world is against you and there's nowhere to turn.

I am quite a positive person. I always try to see the good in every situation, the good in everybody.

Test cricket is still important, so are ODIs, but T20 should be there too because of the crowd factor.

It was never a policy of the Kent team that the pitch must be occupied all day after winning the toss.

In order to accomplish more than you ever have before, you must do more than you have ever done before.

I am doing everything to be fit - like not eating oily food, doing yoga, gymming and consulting my doc.

I'm keen to get into trophy hunting, no animal in particular, but a big safari in Africa would be great.

If my mother hadn't thrown my football boots on the fire, I might have become as famous as Denis Compton.

Attitudes truly are contagious, and from time to time we need to ask ourselves, 'Is mine worth catching?'

With all franchise cricket going on around in the world, the intensity of the game, sometimes is a burden.

Growing up in the '70s my heroes were Clive Lloyd, Viv Richards and Roy Fredericks as a left-hand batsman.

I cannot let this opportunity pass without placing on record how much I have enjoyed my cricket with Kent.

As a fast bowler if you're not going to bowl well on a Perth wicket you're going to struggle in Australia.

Still, I believe it is only a passing phase and cricket will one day produce an abundance of great players.

If the batsmen can give the bowlers a day and half of rest then that is going to work in the team's favour.

Hotel Food !!, If i eat i will get Obesity, if i don't eat i will get Acidity...WHAT THE F...O...O...D...!!

The Best Music you can ever hear in your Life is Silence -- silence of yourself, silence of your loved ones

People are like sticks of dynamite. The power is on the inside, but nothing happens until the fuse gets lit.

I feel as if I was to strike on one thing that I was decent at was mentally where I prepared myself strongly.

Teachers across the world are doing all they can to ensure a good education is the top priority for children.

Great leadership usually starts with a willing heart, a positive attitude, and a desire to make a difference.

You just don't pick up family values, unless your parents teach you and let you know exactly what they expect.

It is often argued that left-handed batsmen have an advantage compared with the right-handers. I do not agree.

England fans should be pretty happy to have Jofra Archer in their Test team - because he is something special.

Sports will equip kids with the necessary tools to face academic challenges, and provide all-round development.

Pretty early, when I started playing golf, I was compared to Garfield Sobers, who played both cricket and golf.

From my point of view, it is better to take the chance, having had nine jobs in 10 years, to recharge my batteries

Harmy is a class bowler and I think he's one of the main reasons why England have improved over the last 18 months.

If you are good enough to play international cricket, you can take wickets - but you have to bowl the right length.

Losing Jane was tragic and I thought I'd never get married again, or have more children, or would even ever want to.

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