By the choices we make, by the attitudes we exhibit, we are influencing lives every day in positive or negative ways.

Test cricket tests you physically and skill-wise, but also mentally. And you have to be solid on all three to do well.

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Give him a fishing lesson and he'll sit in a boat drinking beer every weekend.

I first took up golf in 1994, and used to play intermittently. I couldn't devote as much time to it as I would've liked.

Who is one's audience, the spiritually hostile professional art world or one's visually insensitive Christian neighbour?

It is a great feeling of course to have scored so many runs, but that is what I play cricket for: to score lots of runs.

Sympathetic cracks. A term frequently used by architects and surveyors in terms of ageing houses. I know what they mean.

I played a couple first-class matches at Carlton and Guaracara Park and it was a real burial ground for the fast bowlers.

For people coming in through the turnstiles and people sponsoring, we are entertainers and that's where the game is going.

When you've got a team who are making a concerted effort to make a batsman feel uncomfortable it can look pretty ordinary.

I grew up at a time when West Indies dominated the world. For 15 years from 1980, the West Indies never lost a Test series.

I had some bad influences in my time and, if my parents weren't there to straighten me out, things might have gone haywire.

Laugh loud, and laugh often. It’ll keep you happy, keep you healthy, and keep your attitude headed in a positive direction.

No matter how bad things are, they could always be worse. Start finding gratitude for what might have happened, but didn't.

My parents split up when I was 16, and, while Mum came to a few Tests, Dad didn't make many. So I was glad he was at Lord's.

Umpiring is a tough job. Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't want to be an umpire. You've got a split second to make a decision.

I try to read spinners and dictate to them, but they know very quickly if you're not reading them or if you're not confident.

In the past, I bowled at players like Michael Atherton, Alec Stewart, Nasser Hussain, Michael Vaughan and Marcus Trescothick.

My experience with Australia in the 1997 Ashes series taught me that fighting back is a combination of technique and mindset.

The support for the McGrath Foundation and what it has allowed the Foundation to achieve and grow into has been unbelievable.

Beauty, therefore, for the modern and postmodern artist has become a highly dubious metaphor for a discredited belief system.

Cricket is my life and it has been since the age of five so the first opportunity I get, I'll be back playing for West Indies.

I'd prefer to do the safari on foot, like they did in the old days and just take the camp with you, not driving around in 4WDs.

The difference between first-class cricket and international cricket isn't skill, it's attitude and the way you go about things.

After cricket I'd love to build a family, I'd love to get close to someone and have kids, see them evolve into something special.

In my view it is better for the Labour Party, the leadership and the new prime minister that he be given the maximum flexibility.

It is impossible for forward play to be quite as safe as back play, because there must be a moment when the ball is out of sight.

There are more people enjoying wine in India, they are interested in exploring new things and I think wine is part of that journey.

My dad made sure he gave me everything, he sacrificed what he had to, to make sure I had what I needed to perform at the best level.

Standing at the end of your run with the ball in your hand preparing to bowl the first ball of an Ashes series is an amazing feeling.

I just want that someone in their 50s or 60s, when they talk about Brian Lara, they say 'I enjoyed watching that guy playing cricket.'

For explanations, they did not look in the pages of the visitor's book to see if others likewise found that ghostly happenings abound.

At the international level, one has to keep working hard and develop new skills. International cricket is all about improving yourself.

Postmodernism has not overcome the problems of modernism, but only compounded them with a dosis of cynicism, relativism and indifference.

My father was in the army, and there wasn't too much money. Yet, we learnt to enjoy the small pleasures of life, to look at the positives.

One of the most wonderful things about having a positive attitude is the number of people it touches, many times in ways you'll never know.

We had thousands of people outside Queen's Park Oval in Trinidad. We would wait to get inside to watch a Test at six o'clock in the morning.

Is there a secret to bowling at the Waca? In a way the secret is that there is no secret. Like any ground in the world, it's all about feel.

Consistency in selection is great but it's a whole lot easier if you've got players who warrant that consistency through their performances.

The more you get a batsman out the more it becomes psychological. A batsman starts thinking about it and making something of it in his head.

Dotting teams up and bowling maidens back to back cannot be underestimated in Australian conditions because it gives you control of the game.

From the moment we wake up each morning to the time we hit the pillow at night, we hear what people have to say, but are we really listening?

The only batsman I would love to see by paying for the tickets and sitting in the stand just to watch him is none other than Sachin Tendulkar.

Alzarri Joseph is someone who I look at and say 'this guys has got potential, he's a wicket-taker.' He is someone who I'd like to see do well.

The Sydney Cricket Ground is my favourite ground in the world, my home ground, and growing up in the bush all I wanted was to play at the SCG.

I've come to realize that the difference in success or failure is not how you look, how you dress, or how you're educated. It's how you think !

A run is more difficult to make than no save, because batting is in its nature a far less certain and reliable thing than bowling and fielding.

I was part of the Australia team that lost the first Test at Edgbaston in 1997 and yet came back to win the series quite comfortably in the end.

The Australian team that I was lucky enough to play in had a certain aura and sometimes you had teams beaten before you even walked on the field.

I sing really well, my friends say. I don't like my voice, but I sang on stage during the Sahara awards a few years ago, so I don't mind singing.

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