I wanna be a nice guy.

Teenage dreams so hard to beat

Inside a soul, there's a hero to discover

Kids like classic rock, and so do adults.

Kids listen to everything on the Internet.

The heyday of video music was the mid 80's.

I appreciate folks asking for my autograph.

I was faced more with apathy than opposition.

Interviewing people is pretty natural for me.

I'm a little bit to the left of things anyway.

All songs are about shagging, you can't deny it

When you're too relaxed it's not good to create.

When you are young your imagination is so clear.

We are one energy. Together we can make a change.

I'm doing comedy development at National Lampoon.

I am like the little rock n' roll backseat driver.

My existence went up about 12 levels of intensity.

I think a lot of the stuff I'm playing now is crap.

I want to party in space because I make alien music.

Let's face it. Rock and Roll is bigger than all of us

I get real excited when I hear my shows on the radio.

Traveling all around the world, music sounds different.

I was in the pilot for Spinal Tap before it was a movie.

I never make stupid mistakes. Only very, very clever ones.

Christopher Guest movies are my top of the line favorites.

Because I was the blonde, I was promoted as the video vixen.

I'm not the type of person to live in fear. I think positively.

Everything I do comes from the clubs. If I lose that, I'm done.

Without amendments we would never even have had the Bill of Rights.

Wish I could spin my world into reverse just to have you back again

Our job as producers is to make the music sound as good as possible.

People that really know me will tell you that I am not a video vixen.

I figure the oldies are real close to what rocking country use to be.

Quadratic reciprocity is the song of love in the land of prime numbers.

I worked with three people who were doing video music shows before MTV.

I have two syndicated radio shows though United Stations Radio Network.

Take care of yourself, and do unto others as you would have done to you.

The American flag represents all of us and all the values we hold sacred.

I mix up all styles on my albums because that is what music is about now.

Two thousand years from now they'll still be hearing about Elvis Presley.

If the audience are leaving in ambulances, you know you've done a good job

The hardest and worst interview that I have ever done was with Frank Zappa.

I headline concert halls for 20,000 people, but I still play smaller venues.

All I ever wanted to do was hear music that I like and play it to other people

The concept that you cannot own the airwaves has caused far more harm than good.

I'm very rich - in friends. I'm too nice a fellow. I give most of my money away.

Now that the 90's are over and more time has gone by, the 80's sound fresh again.

I don't want to be Kato, the trial guy. It's like everything I do is under a microscope.

When I worked for Entertainment Tonight I got to emcee Paul McCartneys press conference.

John R. told me you don't work for the radio station. You work for the people out there.

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