Don't go to business school.

My heroes used to be cowboys.

I never heckle. I never swear.

Humanity is the cancer of nature.

Don't give up, cause despair sucks

How much I hate the people's world.

I'm in love with my animal friends.

I don't use the word 'lying' easily.

When you are in a hole, stop digging!

There is no business on a dead planet

I don't think capitalism can survive.

First and foremost we are Earthlings.

The earth is a museum of divine intent.

Without wilderness, the world's a cage.

The future will be green, or not at all

My vegetable patch is my pride and joy.

I'm a mother, and my life is very full.

Capitalism is a cancer in the biosphere.

A local company has more accountability.

Look at how fast technology is developing.

You are Brilliant and the Earth is Hiring.

Being a good human being is good business.

I loved practising law when I practised law.

Trees are being saved because of the Kindle.

In the end, climate change is a math problem.

There is more inside you than you dare think.

Saving civilization is not a spectator sport.

The optimum human population of earth is zero.

I feel a strong bond with Chile and Argentina.

The habits of the West in terms of consumption.

Somehow, a scrubbed house spells a fresh start.

The oilsands will be phased out by 2030 or 2035.

Freedom is not an achievement but an opportunity.

Irene's got a middle name, and it's Global Warming.

I believe in the rights of creatures other than man.

If you want to get people off drugs, improve reality.

Democracy is too important to be left to politicians.

Dignity in death is a birthright of each living thing.

I'm short on celebrations and long on getting to work.

National Parks are the gold standard for conservation.

The Lester B. Pearson era is what I hope to replicate.

A book for everyone concerned about our common future.

All is connected... no one thing can change by itself.

Solar power seems to be truly bipartisan in its appeal.

It doesn't make sense to have a bitumen export economy.

Our numbers expand, but Earth's natural systems do not.

All is connected ... no one thing can change by itself.

If everyone thinks you have a good idea, you´re too late

The fact is, we cannot drill our way to oil independence.

The bottom line is down where it belongs - at the bottom.

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