I'm very curious about the world, foreign cultures.

Don't sell your soul to buy peanuts for the monkeys.

It is always better to say too little than too much.

Late bloomer' is another way of saying 'slow learner.

I think you're cute when the power goes to your head.

Fandom is about fandom, it's a great big social club.

I enjoy challenging myself in new and different ways.

happy people have got something to give to the world.

Anger was both a disfiguring and a revealing passion.

Never, ever point out that a woman is eating too much.

Too darned good a machine can be a menace, not a help.

Emotion which you do not share can become intolerable.

The right to die can so easily become the duty to die.

A woman's desire is either terrifying, or it's ignored.

'Late bloomer' is another way of saying 'slow learner.'

Our community of contagion really is a world community.

A thousand fools believe a lie, and it's good as truth.

I've rarely met a miserable, self-pitying blind person.

Now, after 18 years, not a sign of Lovecraft in my work.

We are all the same in that we all want to be different.

I'm a naturally lazy person, and I live for a challenge.

A lie that is half a truth is ever the hardest to fight.

No one should be judged by the worst moment of his life.

Maybe we've been taking nova precautions for a red dwarf.

Immunity corrupts; absolute immunity corrupts absolutely.

Conflict is the place where character and plot intersect.

Life would have been absolutely empty without imagination.

Screw us once, shame on them; screw us twice, shame on us.

That's the trouble with languages. They have to be learned.

Too much information can be as disconcerting as too little.

I first came across Chadron, Nebraska, by accident in 1994.

Magic frightens people almost as much as it intrigues them.

The rulings of the past do not always apply in the present.

The only judgment that truly matters is the final judgment.

Beauty and ingenuity beat perfection hands down, every time.

In the divorce my ex got everything. Even kept her composure

There’s no snobbery like that of the poor toward one another.

That which does not kill me, has made a grave tactical error.

Of all the well-meant emotions pity is the cruelest to share.

people with romantic illusions find it hard to make a living.

No, that’s journalism. The truth is whatever you can’t escape.

If no one heard your sounds then you did not really make them.

Only the luckless, the petty or the deranged [end] up in court.

People rarely grow in humility once they reach the White House.

The ways in which language changes never ceases to interest me.

A story in Asimov's is read by hundreds of thousands of people.

What does not kill you will make you stronger and more cynical.

I still think in a parallel universe, I became a mathematician.

No land was ever acquired honestly in the history of the earth.

History's like a story in a way: it depends on who's telling it.

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