Don't say I want to lose 30 pounds in 30 days. Say, you know what I want to lose weight- say 30 pounds in three to six months for instance. But more importantly I want to knock out 20 pushups a day or I want to run a 3K a day and time myself, and try to beat my time every time every week.

We have a society in which men sexualize women, period. If you don't want male attention, it makes total sense you'd do everything to your dress and physicality to not be sexualized. But I see that changing dramatically. Now, [younger lesbians] look more like Paris Hilton than Billie Jean King.

People focus too much on weight, dress sizes, and tape measurements - and those aren't motivating. What gets me going is: I'm 52, and because I work out, I know my fitness will improve and my immune system will stay strong, and my body will prevent injuries. I like being fit, strong, coordinated, and agile.

Place a picture of someone that looks like what you want to look like when you reach your weight loss and fitness goal somewhere nearby. However, be sure to keep it realistic to your own body type. This is a visual reminder of what the end result of your fitness and weight loss program will be, helping to keep you motivated.

Look people. I’m just a tool to get you where you need to go. If you don’t want to go there, that’s on you. But I’m going to do my best to help you get where you want to be. Okay. So when you get mad and I hear you say ‘I love you but I hate you’. Let’s take the hate out. Love me and love yourself because you can dig, and you can go.

Bad habits are easy and discipline is hard-and “easy” is where people gravitate. A good work ethic requires a painstaking daily effort. Easy typically leads to a life long list of problems but the discipline of having a plan leads to an extraordinary rewarding life. In the long run, the easy way makes life harder and the harder way makes life easier.

You can't be positive to everybody. A lot of people want to focus on flaws and negativity, especially on the Internet because that's their only voice. I don't pay attention to that kind of stuff. I pay attention to opportunities coming my way, gays and lesbians telling me what I've done for them, organizations in my community that always want to work with me.

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