You can do anything for 30 seconds

It's not how long; it's how strong.

The hammer doesn't build the house.

Tip of the day- Don't smash your face!

Motivate the mind and set your body free!

Aging is for people who don't know any better.

Focus on the present moment. Stay in the moment.

Don't put Banana and Hammock in the same sentence

Don't let your ego get in the way of your success.

Don’t say ‘I can’t,’ say ‘I presently struggle with.’

You have to dig SEEEEERIOUSLY deep in Insanity MAX:30!

Rome wasn't built in a day. And neither was your body.

You don’t get off easy, you just get to finish faster!

Falling and getting back up is what brings you success.

Insanity Max 30 is the hardest workout I've ever taught.

All I ask is that you do your best, and forget the rest.

You get out what you put in. If you want more, give more.

I’m not trying to hurt you; I’m trying to make you better.

I'm not trying to kill you, I only want to make you stronger

Eliminate the mindset of can't! Because you can do anything!

You need to look at the best for what your genetic body type is.


Turn off your mind, and focus on what you've got to do - task at hand.

Hamburger bad fries bad, coca-cola bad….There I said it. Drink your water people.

The health care problem is not solved in the white house, its solved in YOUR HOUSE

Television just turns people into nightmares. The egos! I call it Omarosa syndrome.

I can do things at 45, not because I can do a bunch of pull-ups, it's because I do Yoga!

Excuses are a list of self imposed obstacles that prevent you from having a better life.

Never accept other people's limited perceptions of you. Define yourself. You can do anything.

People really have to start being a smarter consumer, read labels, and understand what hidden sugars are.

You can get better, or you can get all gooey, and crotchety, old, pathetic, icky, gross. Not me. Not into it.

Even as a young girl, straight women loved me. Straight women like me a lot more than lesbians do. Isn't that weird?

One of the most powerful things you can do is take responsibility for your life. Your choices. Your actions. Your Life.

If you're eating sugar throughout the day, you're spiking your blood sugar level and you're becoming a fat storing machine.

Every living cell in your body is made from the food you eat. If you consistently eat junk food then you'll have a junk body.

I'm not a militant lesbian. I carry myself in a way that makes it easier for women to relate to. I can be your best girlfriend.

Do NOT say you “can’t”! You can say, “I don’t want to”. You can say, “I’m not willing to put forth the effort”. But DO NOT say you CAN’T!

Exercise for the joy of feeling good and getting better. Eat right with the intention of fueling your body with the things it needs to perform.

[Growing up in rural Ohio], all of my girlfriends were cheerleaders. I'm more comfortable with straight women. I don't have any lesbian friends, sadly.

A lot of the men were upset or jealous of me because I got the girl. Men are always trying too hard. When I effortlessly get the girl, it pisses them off.

If you're doing Plyometrics you can jump higher and run faster and your heart and lungs are going to kick the panties off of anybody else that tries to get out there without it.

If people can't take the heat and can't take the controversy then they shouldn't be involved in advertising of reality TV because there is so much heat and controversy in reality TV.

A healthy sweat comes from being passionate and throwing yourself into your workout. And again, it's achieving that intensity. I always like to say 'It's not how long, it's how strong'.

[The trainers] work a day or two a week; I work six days a week, 13 hours a day to get that footage. Carrying the show is very stressful, because I never get away from the cameras. It devastates my personal life.

Most Americans are skipping meals and when they do eat, they're starving and they're eating an excess of sugar and calories. Really it's about eating breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner, and trying to feed yourself.

I think that older lesbians definitely didn't take care of themselves. They didn't exercise. But the younger lesbians, they're very different. They go to the gym. They manage their eating. They're much more fashion-conscious.

When a hunger pain happens, that's your bodies way of saying it's too late, you're a fat storing machine now. The key and all trainers know the secret is that you should always take portable snacks with you and try to feed yourself every couple of hours.

Stop eating 'dead' foods: junk, fried, and fast foods, as well as processed carbs. They’re loaded with sugar and other additives. The more live foods we eat (fruits and vegetables), the more alive we feel. The more dead foods we eat...well, you get the idea.

I'm not running a Fortune 500 company here. I'm not a bank controller. I run a gym. You have to expect a certain amount of sex. We're dealing with bodies, and trainers are very into being beautiful, so you're going to have people who are attracted to each other.

I always urge people to do something different, so for instance find something that you have secretly always wanted to try like dancing or boot camps or boxing, and Google search and put your zip code in and find a location- a class or trainer that teaches that in your area.

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