When we play with three at the back, we need active players, who tie up the opposition and play passes forward.

The problem with Chelsea is I lack a striker. I have Samuel Eto'o but he is 32 years old - maybe 35, who knows?

I only ever call up the best players, or at least the players who are the most suited to the way I wish to play.

My English might not be good enough to talk politics but there is no difficulty if we are talking about football.

The moral of the story is not to listen to those who tell you not to play the violin but stick to the tambourine.

If at the end of the season I'm leaving the club, you have the right to come to me and say: 'Jose, you are a liar'

My family love living in London. It is a fantastic city and a city such as this deserves to host the Olympic Games.

I remember playing at Old Trafford, and the way to the dugout was always nice. It was never like in other stadiums.

If you buy a man who is half dead, everybody may be happy off the field, but on the field you'll have major problems

You cannot let him out of your sight, literally. You've always got to ask: 'what's Ronaldo doing, where is Ronaldo?'

A manager is a guide. He takes a group of people and says, 'With you I can make us a success; I can show you the way.'

If I were going to war I would want to be alongside an Englishman not a Frenchman. The Frenchman would think too much.

If you're speaking of a fantasy player, then it has to be Leo Messi as he's so unpredictable. He's an absolute genius.

If a player has good technique and a good basic speed, but is slow in the head, this may reduce his value to the team.

The world is so competitive, aggressive, consumive, selfish and during the time we spend here we must be all but that.

Some are wrong because they are not strong enough to fight temptation and some some are wrong because they do not know.

Thierry Henry could take the ball in the middle of the park and score a goal that no one else in the world could score.

The goalkeeper is very, very important, as much as a striker. Anyone who wants to win a title has to have a goalkeeper.

You win by effort, by commitment, by ambition, by quality, by expressing yourself individually but in the team context.

Sometimes you see beautiful people with no brains. Sometimes you have ugly people who are intelligent, like scientists.

My history as a manager cannot be compared with Frank Rijkaard's history. He has zero trophies and I have a lot of them.

Any man who concentrates his energies totally on one passion is, by definition, someone who hurts the people close to him.

We all want to play great music all the time, but if that is not possible, you have to hit as many right notes as you can.

I always play to win, as I proved at AC Milan, Real Madrid, Roma and Juventus. I want my players to have the same ambition.

But the reality is that we don't live in Mr. Rogers neighborhood anymore. The reality is that our officers should be armed.

Mesut Ozil, a Mario Gotze, a Mats Hummels, a Holger Badstuber, and so on - they are very mature even in their younger years.

I didn't know the English were good at swimming. I have been in this country for 12 years and I haven't seen a swimming pool.

Pressure? What pressure? Pressure is poor people in the world trying to feed their families. There is no pressure in football

Football is a game based on emotion and intelligence. Anyone can be clever, the trick is not to think the other guy is stupid.

We didn't think he would play on Sunday because he was suspended - that makes me think he has all the qualities to join Arsenal!

Look, I'm a coach, I'm not Harry Potter. He is magical, but in reality there is no magic. Magic is fiction and football is real.

Gerard is an open-minded and passionate man. I am the opposite: stubborn and stupid. But sometimes stupid behaviour makes you win.

I am in a job where you always look in front of you. Unfortunately, the older you get, the less distance there is in front of you...

Having the team with leaders - John Terry is one, Gareth Barry is a leader - is very, very important. These players helped me a lot.

When I saw Rijkaard entering the referee's dressing room I couldn't believe it. When Didier Drogba was sent off, I wasn't surprised.

I don't know where football will take me because in football, you never know, but for sure, as a family, our home will be in London.

Every manager would like to see a match decided in 90 minutes. Because I don't think there's any way you can prepare for penalty kicks.

Their diet is basically boiled vegetables, fish and rice. No fat, no sugar. You notice when you live there that there are no fat people.

You always want to see the best players in action at a World Cup, and the players always want to measure themselves up to the very best.

People who work make the world live better and to reward these people well is normal. Yet they are not the people who are the wealthiest.

The World Cup is the toughest challenge there is. You have seven matches where you have to bring your best and cannot let up at any turn.

I'm not a defender of old or new football managers. I believe in good ones and bad ones, those that achieve success and those that don't.

World Cups and European Championships should feature the best teams. When you keep increasing the number of teams, you dilute the quality.

If you want me to rule out ever being Manchester United manager, I can't. Special clubs need special managers, so in theory it could work.

Young players need freedom of expression to develop as creative players... they should be encouraged to try skills without fear of failure.

Sometimes it's natural to do the safe pass, the no-frills thing, to pass it back to the goalkeeper. But I want them to do the daring thing.

If you're not a big club, you choose one competition and you fight in that competition and forget the others. Big clubs - we cannot do this

The real revelation of a player's character is not in his social life but in how he plays. In my social life I can hide my real personality.

It's like a child who is used to having ice cream whenever he wants. When it doesn't come when he asks he tends to get confused and nervous.

I know one of my best qualities is to read the game for my players, is to read the opponent, is to identify every detail about the opponent.

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