Nobody gets any guarantees.

Men meet; mountains, never.

I don't put labels on myself.

I'm a compassionate conservative.

Don't mistake niceness for weakness.

Our body is the temple of our spirit.

I care about the children of Detroit.

The asbestos problem impacts everyone.

The pursuit of the difficult makes men strong

Obviously we want to keep the jobs we've got.

I expect my next job to be outside government.

You can't be too right too soon and win elections.

We honor the dead best by treating the living well.

Believe me, I'm not going to try to get into testing.

I'm concerned about truth and credibility in government.

As governor, I learned the importance of having an agenda.

The current Michigan Constitution was written in 1961 and 62.

I think we've got outstanding teaching in Michigan classrooms.

The current Michigan Constitution was written in 1961 and '62.

Men may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.

There's only so far you can go before you say enough is enough.

I have an old saying that the harder I work, the luckier I get.

There is a gentleness in Michigan that you just can't replicate.

People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.

We're on the cusp, on the brink, of enormous change in this country.

The Clean Michigan Initiative has been and continues to be a success.

I really want to be governor when I have a partner in the White House.

I wish we could have acted quicker on Detroit or other failing schools.

Redistricting is one of the purest actions a legislative body can take.

I created no authority that wasn't already there under the constitution.

You win by working hard, making tough decisions and building coalitions.

Michigan is also the only industrial state that has a AAA credit rating.

Sometimes leadership is planting trees under whose shade you'll never sit.

We need to continue to make the case that Michigan is where you ought to be.

I kept telling everyone I wasn't going to Washington to stay. I go to visit.

Caring for veterans shouldn’t be a partisan issue. It should an American one.

We cannot wait for the storm to blow over; we must learn to work in the rain.

Caring for veterans shouldn't be a partisan issue. It should an American one.

We have gasoline at $2 a gallon. If that doesn't drive demand, I don't know what will.

If the person at the wheel refuses to ask for directions, it is time for a new driver.

Workers must participate in progress to enjoy their work and take pride in its product.

I'm very pleased with the job President Bush is doing and he's off to a terrific start.

Manufacturers account for nearly 60 percent of all industrial research and development.

Truly, to blame the president for high gas prices is like blaming Rudy Giuliani for 9/11.

I think blaming the president for high gas prices is like blaming Rudy Giuliani for 9/11.

We have broken the cycle of dependency. People have found out they're better off working.

Dogmatic ideological parties tend to splinter the political and social fabric of a nation.

California is beautiful to look at, but you can't be a part of it like you can in Michigan.

When you get to the extremes there is, sometimes, just the need where you have to stand up.

I would never sacrifice my individual beliefs as a citizen to my corporate responsibilities.

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