I stayed in the Navy until July of 1946.

We became good friends with Galactic as well.

I have confidence in people's basic common sense.

I was always good at math and science and physics.

No question about that, the radicals are in charge.

It was awesome because we were doing Ramones songs.

You can say that Wayne Coyne sounds like Neil Young.

I got called back into the Navy during the Korean War.

Well tended garden is better than a neglected wood lot

We wanted to sit down and conceptually work out songs.

Well tended garden is better than a neglected wood lot.

We shouldn't accept things just because somebody says so.

Education is the foundation upon which we build our future.

Well lately I have listening to a lot of movie soundtracks.

I don't want to feel like people are imposing limits upon you.

We all leave personal legacies for the people we know and love.

When it came time to go to the University, it was during the war.

The US government should not be in the business of discrimination.

I didn't take very much part in activities on campus at that time.

I did graduate with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering in 1948.

Beware of averages. The average person has one breast and one testicle.

Anything that the private sector can do, the government can do it worse.

Education can lift individuals out of poverty and into rewarding careers.

I was way into Primus in high school so hanging out with him was a thrill.

We may disagree on some things, but we can do so without being disagreeable.

I really got to a point where I thought maybe I would want to be involved politically.

The Fairness Project is endeavoring to try to do what we can to make a fairer society.

Education exposes young people to a broader world, a world full of opportunity and hope.

It was very constraining, much more than I ever would have thought, to run for governor.

It's definitely an influence, I mean how can you not say you are influenced to play rock.

The organic material, as the laws of chemistry state, can neither be created nor destroyed.

It's our responsibility to pass on what we inherited, not to squander it, but to build on it.

We need to take advantage of the opportunity we have now to create a vision and become great.

We must work to help all families and all communities realize their dream of a better future.

He has called for a repeal of the Fifth Amendment as it affects the right of private property.

Everybody is exposed to radiation. A little bit more or a little bit less is of no consequence.

We need to have the social investments by which to quote unquote distribute some of that wealth.

In the field of health care, we are giving people access to insurance who have not had it before.

What's wrong is that we are not participating to make this the type of government it needs to be.

I think a lot of it is that we used to tour so much that we never really had time to write songs.

There is a deliberate and quite outspoken attack on the whole idea of people owning private property.

We can seize this time and do it our way and in the process be proud of ourselves and prosper as well.

There is just no reason why the richest nation in the world can't provide health care to all its people.

We have an electronic vein we have tapped and applied it to a rock setting like tons of bands out there.

Enterprise Washington is economic development in areas of high unemployment around the state of Washington.

It is time for us to turn a corner and come together, put our differences behind us and focus on the future.

A nuclear-power plant is infinitely safer than eating, because 300 people choke to death on food every year.

The government should set a goal for a clean environment but not mandate how that goal should be implemented.

A great thing about these trees is that they are excellent for cleaning, both groundwater, and of course, air.

And in a democracy, when we say we're mad at what's going on, what we need to be saying is we're mad at ourselves.

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