If liberty is not entire it is not liberty.

All history is man's efforts to realise ideals.

We cannot afford idleness, waste or inefficiency.

The changing climate is a threat to human rights.

All countries are particular and no models are perfect.

If war comes upon us, it will come as a thief in the night

If war comes upon us, it will come as a thief in the night.

The fight for human rights is about speaking truth to power.

I can see the immense capacity of business to give leadership.

I do not share the wish to see my language dead and decently buried

I do not share the wish to see my language dead and decently buried.

Today's human rights violations are the causes of tomorrow's conflicts.

The Snow-drop, Winter's timid child, Awakes to life, bedew'd with tears.

Climate change is the greatest threat to human rights in the 21st century.

The whole human rights structure is based on the accountability of governments.

We are a vibrant first-world country, but we have a humbling third-world memory.

Every craggy and gnarled tree has its own strange and graceful legend attached to it.

Here, in Cork district, you have in combination all the dangers which war can inflict.

Here is a shared memory that we didn't share, forgot to share, for almost ninety years.

It is people who go through suffering that have an empathy for the suffering of others.

Maybe this society, if anything, has become more patriarchal, and that has to be combated.

I was elected by the women of Ireland, who instead of rocking the cradle, rocked the system.

Many people think that we have no shared value system in the world today but we actually do.

Finance ministers must realize that the health budget can save them money if it's applied well.

From the moment this war began, there was, for this state, only one policy possible, neutrality.

I want to see a UN that enables a gathering of energies in which business plays its proper role.

It is indeed hard for the strong to be just to the weak, but acting justly always has its rewards.

If you are small and don't particularly want credit for what you are doing, you can achieve a lot.

To make progress we have to build a multi-stakeholder process, harnessing the appropriate energies.

When a genocidal killing occurs, as happened in Rwanda, it is not just an internal domestic matter.

It's only after their death that people are truly appreciated. It's because they are true to values.

Every crag and gnarled tree and lonely valley has its own strange and graceful legend attached to it.

If we took away barriers to women's leadership, we would solve the climate change problem a lot faster

By keeping the annuities, we could build up a national industry every years as big as the Shannon Scheme.

Feel empowered. And if you start to do it, if you start to feel your voice heard, you will never go back.

Partition is after all only an old fortress of crumbled masonry - held together with the plaster of fiction.

Mr. Churchill is proud of Britain's stand alone, after France had fallen and before America entered the War.

Sharing experience and building public support for the full range of rights is more powerful than legal cases.

Particularly here in the United States there is a lack of comprehension about anything to do with the United Nations.

We now know that climate change is a driver of migration, and is expected to increase the displacement of populations.

The last thing I would want to do is to create the impression that sectarianism came from only one side of the community.

Human rights are inscribed in the hearts of people; they were there long before lawmakers drafted their first proclamation.

If you live in a global world and you want to champion liberty in it, then you have you got to sign up to that global world.

In a society where the rights and potential of women are constrained, no man can be truly free. He may have power, but he will not have freedom.

The question now is how best to help the Iraqi people build a democratic and free Iraqi society that ensures respect for the rights of all Iraqis.

It is a most disgraceful shame the way in which Irishmen are brought up. They are ashamed of their language, institutions, and of everything Irish.

It is my considered opinion that in the fullness of time history will record the greatness of Michael Collins and it will be recorded at my expense.

An endless war against terrorism can tend to inflate the terrorists, because being at war is attractive to some angry, unemployed, disaffected youth.

We hope that the plain people - the labourers and small farmers - will take this opportunity of coming together and working out the National programme.

That past is still within our living memory, a time when neighbour helped neighbour, sharing what little they had out of necessity, as well as decency.

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