When we were actually in the Keating reform era, the Business Council was of no help.

Well may we say 'God save the Queen', because nothing will save the Governor-General'.

If you complain, you’re ‘playing the victim’; if you don’t complain, you are a victim.

The Labor Party is a party of conviction. The Liberal Party is a party of convenience.

He reveals that he has been a poor politician, a bad judge and a malevolent individual.

A conservative is someone who does not think he is morally superior to his grandfather.

As prime minister, the pastoral lease question was a very vexing and torrid one for me.

It is the duty of the State to educate, and the right of the people to demand education.

The first film I remember seeing was Bambi. It has stayed with me because it was so sad.

If there was a university degree for greed, you cunts would all get first-class honours.

When the Berlin Wall came down the Americans cried, 'Victory,' and walked off the field.

I believe the Australian people have an affection for the Queen, and so they should have.

Through hard work and education, we can deliver a strong economy and opportunity for all.

We are moving toward recognition of the first Australians in the Australian constitution.

Truth is absolute, truth is supreme, truth is never disposable in national political life.

We must judge religious movements, not by the men who make them, but by the men they make.

More good things in life are lost by indifference than ever were lost by active hostility.

We will not allow to become a political issue in this country the question of Asianisation.

The most important civil liberty... is to stay alive and to be free from violence and death.

I'm fairly conservative on social issues, but not extremely conservative and not reactionary.

Never forget posterity when devising a policy. Never think of posterity when making a speech.

I've never said I'm immortal. I do believe in correct language. I'm eternal; I'm not immortal.

People who say they're too busy to have lunch have a false impression of their own importance.

Never take any notice of Anonymous letters, unless you get a few thousand on the same subject.

"I pay my taxes," says somebody, as if that were an act of virtue instead of one of compulsion.

One thing 'Game of Thrones' has taught us all is to guard against too much emotional investment.

I was profoundly embarrassed by it [the White Australia Policy] and did all I could to change it.

I could never afford to be in a position where I could do something stupid, so I gave up drinking.

Having a go at kids with a terminal illness is really beyond the pale, absolutely beyond the pale.

Education is both a tool of social justice as well as a fundamental driver of economic development.

The fact is Burke is smarter than two thirds of the Western Australian Labor Party rolled together.

We had a very good relationship. Very good. I liked [Sonny Ramphal]. I thought he was a genuine man.

I always believed in burning up the government's political capital, not being Mr Safe Guy, you know?

It's beyond belief that any Australian could be so stupid as to carry drugs into any country in Asia.

We shall never be at peace with ourselves until we yield with glad supremacy to our higher faculties.

Attaining a PhD is just an excuse that all young women are using nowadays to avoid starting families.

You just can't have a position where some pumped up bunyip potentate dismisses an elected government.

Well, I think that - I think leadership's always been about two main things: imagination and courage.

George Bush Junior [George W Bush] was a religious fanatic, and Tony Blair wasn't far behind in a way.

We are lagging far behind comparable countries in overcoming the disadvantages Indigenous people face.

Bill Heseltine had been at university with me, at the University of Western Australia. I knew him well.

Poor quality of representatives... is not a purely Australian phenomenon - it's a worldwide phenomenon.

Building a new Health and Hospitals Network is fundamental to building a stronger and fairer Australia.

If Australia wants an effective United Nations, we have to be comprehensively, not marginally, engaged.

One speaks with great respect of economists, if only because they represent such a variety of opinions.

What distinguished the First World War from all wars before it was the massive power of the antagonists.

Maintain your rage and enthusiasm for the campaign for the election now to be held and until polling day.

The cartoon absolutely captures something that acres and acres of copy can't. And even photographs can't.

The goal of Australian foreign policy should be to promote the maximum harmony between the U.S. and China.

Developing countries need to commit additional resources and have the political will to improve education.

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