Everything I've done, I've done because I wanted to do it. In doing it, I've plunged in headlong, always believing in it.

When you look at the beginning of the actual war, it's not hard to recognize that the Pakistanis were the ones to attack.

By education I am an Englishman, by views an internationalist, by culture a Muslim and a Hindu only by accident of birth.

Declaring victory without war .. the belief that India gave up the option of war under American pressure is totally wrong.

Do not advise too much: do the job yourself. This is the only advice you can give to others. Do it and others will follow.

We can win respect in the world only if we are strong internally and can banish poverty and unemployment from our country.

I always wanted to have children - if it had been up to me, I would have had eleven. It was my husband who wanted only two.

I want nothing to do with any religion concerned with keeping the masses satisfied to live in hunger, filth, and ignorance.

There comes a time in the life of every nation when it stands at the crossroads of history and must choose which way to go.

As I always say, I do not wish you an easy time, but I wish you that whatever difficulty you may have, you will overcome it.

I've never understood women who, because of their children, pose as victims and don't allow themselves any other activities.

We have given up office, but not our responsibility to serve the nation. We have lost an election, but not our determination.

It depends on what you mean by the word religion. Certainly I don't go to temples and pray to the gods or anything like that.

Life at any time can become difficult: life at any time can become easy. It all depends upon how one adjusts oneself to life.

America always thought it was helping Pakistan. But if it hadn't helped Pakistan, Pakistan would have been a stronger country.

I'm not interested in one label or the other - I'm only interested in solving certain problems, in getting where I want to go.

My government is committed to carrying out electoral reforms. It is our firm resolve to keep criminal elements away from power.

Free and fair elections have again demonstrated that Jammu and Kashmir is part of India, and the people want to remain with it.

India helped Bangladesh to achieve independence. The Bangladeshis should remain happy inside the territory of their own country.

In fact the communists gained strength in India when the people thought my party was moving to the right. And they were correct.

People who say it was her father who prepared her for the post of prime minister, it was her father who launched her, are wrong.

There are moments in history when brooding tragedy and its dark shadows can be lightened by recalling great moments of the past.

I was happy to be with my parents. I didn't see very much of them, so I was very happy when my father was there and out of jail.

When I don't make a decision, it's not that I don't think about it. I think about it and make a decision not to make a decision.

It's true that I refused foreign aid. It's true. It wasn't my personal decision, however - it was the whole country that said no.

Non-alignment will continue to be the fundamental basis of our approach to world problems and our relations with other countries.

Therefore, vegetarianism alone can give us the quality of com-passion, which distinguishes man from the rest of the animal world.

Global interdependence today means that economic disasters in developing countries could create a backlash on developed countries.

It is our duty to create a social milieu in which the young and the socially weak feel that the present and future belong to them.

I know I'll astonish everyone by talking like this, but it's God's truth. Honors have never tempted me and I've never sought them.

The basic idea of governance, as I see it, is to hold the society together so that it can develop and march towards certain goals.

I dream of an India that is prosperous, strong and caring. An India, that regains a place of honour in the comity of great nations.

When it's impossible, it's better to stoop to compromise, without resisting and without complaining. People who complain are selfish.

I want to succeed. And I want to succeed in the best way possible, without caring whether people call my actions leftist or rightist.

There are grave misgivings that the discussion on ecology may be designed to distract attention from the problems of war and poverty.

This power of democracy is a matter of pride for our country, something which we must always cherish, preserve and further strengthen.

To be liberated, woman must feel free to be herself, not in rivalry to man but in the context of her own capacity and her personality.

It has been my experience that people who are at cross-purposes with nature are cynical about mankind and ill at ease with themselves.

Every great revolution, whether it is right or not, we really know has any vital, urgent need to basis. It comes not just from itself.

Even before V. P. Singh was shifted, the media was creating an impression that he was facing difficulties. This was totally incorrect.

Our words, actions, and diplomatic efforts should be aimed at trying to achieve pragmatic goals rather than creating rhetorical effect.

It's not at all hard to reconcile the two things if you organize your time intelligently. Even when my sons were little, I was working.

All the people who fought for freedom were my heroes. I mean, that was the sort of story I liked reading... freedom struggles and so on.

I am getting old and the sign of old age is that I begin to philosophize and ponder over problems which should not be my concern at all.

We believe in the dignity of man as an individual, whatever his race, colour or creed, and his right to better, fuller, and richer life.

A great disaster is a symbol to us to remember all the big things of life and forget the small things, of which we have thought too much.

We have believed - and we do believe now - that freedom is indivisible, that peace is indivisible, that economic prosperity is indivisible

Our aim may be as high as the endless sky, but we should have a resolve in our minds to walk ahead, hand-in-hand, for victory will be ours.

We believe in peace in the settlement of all disputes through peaceful means, in the abolition of war, and, more particularly, nuclear war.

Have a bias toward action - let's see something happen now. You can break that big plan into small steps and take the first step right away.

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