Crisis creates opportunity.

Crisis creates leverage to change.

I'm a lover of fairs and corn dogs.

Big problems usually come from big sources.

I am one of the baddest enemies anybody can have.

I'm very thoughtful and disciplined with my money.

Let's put Illinois back on the road to prosperity.

Money's important, but it isn't a motivator for me.

We have a moral duty to have an efficient government.

I don't care what the headline is. I want the results.

I don't have a Rolls. I don't have a jet. That's not me.

I am a gun owner and a hunter and a gun rights supporter.

The critical thing is that we have to reduce the tax burden.

Given my venture capital background, I know the tech sector well.

I like to do things that get results. Results are all that matters.

To the people of Illinois let me say this. Business as usual IS OVER.

I don't like to pay lip service. I don't frankly like to talk about stuff.

I certainly don't need a job. Getting re-elected is not on my Top 10 list.

Many of us have been touched by the magic of a great teacher. I know I have.

The government union bosses are the most powerful politicians in Springfield.

Success is all about persistence and doing the right thing for the long term.

I will advocate moving the Illinois minimum wage back to the national minimum wage.

I've completely lost faith in the Democratic Party to truly serve the disadvantaged.

I just want the state fixed, and I just want to do the right thing for the taxpayers.

Government pensions are among the largest cost drivers for state and local governments.

For many young people, the minimum wage is a stepping stone to higher employment levels.

It takes someone with a unique background to stand up to the threat of a strike and win.

When I was young, I had minimum wage jobs as a busboy, flipping burgers and parking cars.

I'll be willing to do things that politicians won't do. Because I don't care who I upset.

To restore our public schools, we must put an end to the selfish agenda of the union bosses.

We have to be bold, tough, and fundamentally change government because Springfield is broken.

The fact is that politics in Illinois is a blood sport. It's really rough. It's really nasty.

We cannot accept the status quo of throwing more taxpayer money into a broke and broken system.

A C.E.O.'s job is leadership, problem solving, and team building. I've done that my whole career.

I want to do something that I'm proud of and that I can look back on with pride of accomplishment.

I tend to think that free-market conservative principles are the best ones for the CEO of a state.

I have said, on a number of occasions, that we could have a lower minimum wage or no minimum wage.

I'm not the most patient person in the world. I am one of the most persistent people in the world.

The people of Illinois sent me to Springfield to end the era of unbalanced budgets and runaway debt.

Voters want conflicting things. They want a lot of government spending, but they don't want higher taxes.

I want to transform state government. What it takes is a strong CEO type... a leader who can drive things.

Frankly, I would never ask a supporter to bet big on me if I wouldn't bet big on myself. It wouldn't be fair.

There are plenty of examples of very wealthy people who have run for office and failed, certainly in Illinois.

Incremental increases in the minimum wage won't address the underlying skills and investment gaps in Illinois.

I'm a big outdoorsman... I'm a big hunter. Avid fisherman. Hiker. Climber. Scuba diver. Skier. Love the outdoors.

I am going to try to rip the economic guts out of Indiana. But we're going to do it methodically and aggressively.

The tax money belongs to the taxpayers. It doesn't belong to the bureaucracy. And government is not a welfare system.

Mitch Daniels in Indiana was the best governor in America for eight years. I've gone to Indianapolis to study with him.

Capitalism is the greatest poverty-fighting machine in the history of mankind, and I'm proud of the role I've played in it.

These political consultants love business guys who've never been in politics to try and take advantage of them. I get that.

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