We need a doer, not a talker.

My background is in health care.

I'm tired of hyphenated Americans.

We must stop being the stupid party.

We want to rescue the American dream.

Immigration without assimilation is an invasion.

Please deal with the Radical Islamic Threat today.

Thirty percent of the Nation's energy comes off the gulf coast.

The Nation needs to take a new approach to our energy problems.

If we want to save some money, let's just get rid of the court.

If I were to run for president, it's because I believe in our country.

I'm running [ for presidency] because we need to take our country back.

In the aftermath of September 11th, it is critical to secure our borders.

Members of Congress must live according to the same laws as everyone else.

The shell fishing industry represents a major part of Louisiana's economy.

America didn't create religious liberty. Religious liberty created America.

When I ran for Congress I promised to help make health care affordable again.

Our culture, language, history, and values are vital to uniting us as a nation.

I'm not worried about where Barack Obama is from. I'm worried about where he's going.

I am tired with hyphenated Americans! We are not Indian-Americans, or African-Americans.

I'm not running for president to be somebody, I'm running for president to do something!

I think viewing people by the color of their skin is one of the dumbest ways to view people.

The politically correct crowd is tolerant of all viewpoints, except those they disagree with.

Conservative ideas don't just sound good. They actually work. That's the secret of our success.

Higher taxes still does not create prosperity for all. And, more government still does not grow jobs.

I'm not running to manage the decline of this great country. I'm running to make real changes in D.C.

We've got to stop being the stupid party. It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults.

Who among us would ask our children for a loan, so we could spend money we do not have on things we do not need?

People say both Obama and I have trouble laughing at ourselves. We can't laugh at ourselves. That would be racist!

It's not controversial to say that human activity is contributing in some way. The question is how serious that is.

A job for your family, a paycheck in your mailbox - they're the ultimate proof that your state is doing things right!

When the Republican Party is no longer the party of fiscal conservatism then clearly I would argue that we've lost our way.

Peace through strength works. We've got the greatest military in the world. I want them to dominate any potential conflict.

I think the American people are looking for real leadership. That's what I've done in Louisiana, that's what I'll do in America.

To succeed, we have to be the party of change, we have to root out corruption in our own ranks and we have to be the party of solutions.

The Republican party does have a lot of work to do. But changing our principles is not a winning strategy. We need to modernize, not moderate.

The Obama presidency, and liberalism in general, are based on not trusting the American people - a belief that big government is better for people.

America is the most compassionate country in the entire world. We do more for folks around this world. And that's the nature of the American people.

Hillary Clinton, President Obama, they're trying to turn the American dream into the European nightmare. We need to rescue the country from socialism.

Here's what I've found in Louisiana: The voters want to know what you believe, what you stand for, and what you plan to do, not what shade your skin is.

We don't measure our people's success in how they're doing in government. We measure how they are doing in the real world and the private sector economy.

My Christian faith teaches me marriage is between man and a woman. I'm not evolving with the polls. I'm not changing like Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.

Containment is a strategy for losers! But as General George S. Patton famously observed, Americans play to win all the time. Americans don't play to lose.

I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment. It is a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended.

India, in particular, is looking to develop nuclear power for domestic, commercial use, and we should work with them. This is a good deal for both countries.

It has become fashionable in Washington to argue that Obamacare cannot be reversed. That is nonsense. It's a fight worth waging, and a fight which can be won.

Unfortunately, we are finding the bureaucratic inefficiencies and red tape have a tendency to slow the efforts of individuals and communities working to rebuild.

We need to break our dependency on foreign sources of oil, which leaves us at the mercy of foreign powers. To do that, we should increase domestic energy production.

I've got the courage to apply our conservative principles. I can't do it alone. With your help, with God's grace, we can save the idea of America before it's too late.

In my home State of Louisiana, several institutions of higher education have been impacted by both Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, literally dozens across the entire State.

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