I go to the gym pretty regularly.

We have to raise the minimum wage.

The march of progress must continue.

I can tell you my feelings were hurt.

Extreme poverty is extremely dangerous.

Busy souls have no time to be busybodies.

None of us wants to pay more at the pump.

Public trust is essential to public safety.

An election is an opportunity for a new consensus.

Typically, I don't get to unwind after a day at work.

I believe marriage is a human right, not a state right.

In Maryland, we consider ourselves pro-growth Americans.

To create jobs, a modern economy requires modern investments.

Triangulation is not a strategy that will move America forward.

I think the best campaigns are campaigns of ideas and substance.

There is no greater ladder into the middle class than education.

The Clintons are very close with everybody on the Democratic side.

I believe that the best way to campaign is one-on-one with people.

Reversing deforestation is complicated; planting a tree is simple.

Together with President Obama, we are moving America forward, not back.

We make our own future; we govern ourselves, and to govern is to choose.

It's time to put the national interest before the interests of Wall Street.

There is no reason that billionaires should crowd us out from our democracy.

Secretary Clinton is perfectly capable of defending her own service in office.

I have 15 years of executive experience as a big-city mayor and as a governor.

Our story, Maryland's story, is the story of better choices and better results.

I didn't run for mayor because everything was going great in Baltimore in 1999.

Democrats haven't been functioning effectively as a party at the national level.

Making government more efficient and more effective need not be a partisan issue.

Climate change is transforming the world in profound ways that continue to evolve.

The way forward is always found through greater respect for the equal rights of all.

I've been an executive and a progressive executive with a record of accomplishments.

I think we should want all of our cities to become more compassionate places, frankly.

I think America is moving to a much more connected, inclusive and compassionate place.

I'm not opposed to free trade if it's fair trade. But I am opposed to bad trade deals.

We can't expect Wall Street to police itself - that's why we have a federal government.

Maryland is home to one of the world's most highly skilled, highly educated workforces.

We do need to confront evil in this world, but we do need to work with the other nation.

The Offshore Wind Energy Act could be not only a jobs creator, but also a history maker.

The presidency of the United States is not some crown to be passed between two families.

Some people see Baltimore as a hopeless place. Some have even made a lot of money on it.

There are times in Annapolis when a governor's support can move an issue over the goal line.

If a bank's too big so that it can't fail without hurting our economy, well then, it's too big.

I did not dedicate my life to making Baltimore a safer and more just place because it was easy.

No woman who works full time and plays by the rules should have to raise her family in poverty.

I like Iowa. I know Iowa. I've spent some time in Iowa. Good people in Iowa. It's a great state.

Protecting our land, our air and our water is a very important thing that we can only do together.

Roads do not upgrade or maintain themselves. Bridges do not repair themselves or rebuild themselves.

You can't forge a new sort of consensus, you can't forge public opinion, by following public opinion.

The Republicans have kind of painted themselves into a kind of a real demographic corner, if you will.

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