Life finds its purpose and fulfillment in the expansion of happiness.

Love is the strongest medicine. It is more powerful than electricity.

I am a spark from the Infinite. I am not flesh and bones. I am light.

The world can come to a harmony if meditation is spread far and wide.

Godliness is the fragrance of the man who has attained enlightenment.

Never obey anyone's command unless it is coming from within you also.

Be loving towards yourself, then you will be able to love others too.

Meditation is a means to discover all the glories of the ocean of mind

Human concepts, no matter how grand they may appear, have limitations.

Lovers never surrender to each other, lovers simply surrender to love.

Anger simply shows that something in you is hurt, some wound is there.

All your knowledge is dust. Knowing is your purity, knowledge is dust.

No action can be performed successfully without a clear result in view.

Problems will disappear as darkness disappears with the onset of light.

The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success.

Life reflects, life resounds, life echoes whatsoever you throw at life.

The ego is like too many dark clouds around the sun - the sun gets lost

Don't seek, don't search, don't ask, don't knock, don't demand - relax.

If you move in the present moment, the whole eternity is in your hands.

In meditation, whatever happens is bound to be expressed in creativity.

Those otherworldly desires were just as foolish as the worldly desires.

No thought, no mind, no choice — just being silent, rooted in yourself.

One who ”knows,” knows there is no need to discourse; knowing is enough

Approach the present with your heart's consent. Make it a blessed event.

Consider no one a stranger. Learn to feel that everybody is akin to you.

The reality of my life cannot die for I am indestructible consciousness.

If you take the responsibility for your life, you can start changing it.

The only thing that matters in life, is your own opinion about yourself.

Only people who carry the opinions of others need the support of others.

Be - don't try to become. Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance.

When you listen with perfect awareness, then listening becomes possible.

Getting love is a very small experience. It is the experience of beggar.

The beauty is in finding, not in what you find ; that is just an excuse.

Attachment is not love. Where there is attachment there is exploitation.

Seeing means that you don't condemn fear as bad from the very beginnings

Freedom is our most precious treasure. Don't lose it for anything. . . .

Every being is in search of truth, but small fears go on preventing you.

Don't cling to anything. Clinging is the cause of our being unconscious.

A man has a birthright to be tired and retired. I am retired completely.

A comfortable and regulated life is needed for fastest pace of evolution.

We are not responding to this instant if we are judging any aspect of it.

Meditation will drop all the masks. It is a search for the original face.

Ambition is violence, the very effort to succeed in the world is violent.

All your personalities are absolute cover-ups, hiding your individuality.

Prem Bubula, I have told you that a woman is to be loved, not understood.

Let go, and move closer to existence in silence and peace, in meditation.

Meditation makes the man Divine and brings the Divine to the world of man.

Master of the universe is every man's potential insight, cosmic potential.

If you want to pay off your debts, it pays to increase your earning power.

Evil spreads with the wind; truth is capable of spreading even against it.

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