Man is born only as a potential. He can become a thorn for himself ...

Man is born only as a potential. He can become a thorn for himself and for others, he can also become a flower for himself and for others.

Enjoyment is just the sound of being centered.

Enjoyment is just the sound of being centered.

Jesus was a crackpot.

Tomorrow never comes.

Mind is a broken mirror.

Truth is pure awareness.

Love is an infinite sky!

Crowds create illusions.

I am the rich man's guru.

Seriousness is a disease.

Be - don't try to become.

Anger is fear in disguise.

Knowledge always liberates.

Anger is temporary madness.

Egolessness is contentment.

Grace is a feminine quality.

Life begins where fear ends.

Don't analyze, celebrate it.

Just get out of your own way.

Mind is not your intelligence.

Don't get attached to anything.

You are creating your own hell.

A man who is 100% sane is dead.

Be realistic: Plan for a miracle

Surrendering means non-desiring.

Worship the Silent Space in you.

Mind is memory, not intelligence.

To be present is to be prayerful.

God is creativity, not a Creator.

There is no one lonelier than God!

Mind only thinks, meditation lives.

Illusions are bound to be shattered

You cannot lose your real treasure.

Man is always exploited through fear.

Every answer will make more questions

Creativity is always from the beyond.

Death is the greatest illusion of all.

God is the collective ego of the world

Love is the goal, life is the journey.

There is no sorrow except in captivity.

The inner emptiness is the door to God.

ordinary is the door for extraordinary.

Living in memories is an empty gesture.

There is no God other than life itself.

"Serenity" is the flavor of meditation.

Silence is the space where man wakes up.

It is your attachment that creates hell.

Peace follows love energy like a shadow.

Love is not a higher quality than truth.

Whatever happened yesterday was the past.

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