You can't hate the roots of a tree and not hate the tree. You can't hate Africa and not hate yourself.

Wars can be resolved. Human rights atrocities can be stopped. We just have to apply the right policies.

You can't hate your origin and not end up hating yourself. You can't hate Africa and not hate yourself.

I don't think that anyone has been really created more by the white press than the civil right leaders.

Men who are proud of being black marry black women; women who are proud of being black marry black men.

I am not a racist in any form whatsoever. I don't believe in any form of discrimination or segregation.

You don't have to be a man to fight for freedom. All you have to do is to be an intelligent human being.

The prison systems in this country actually are exploitative and they are not in any way rehabilitative.

Read absolutely everything you get your hands on because you'll never know where you'll get an idea from.

The White man pays Reverend Martin Luther King so that Martin Luther King can keep the Negro defenseless.

In Russia, we have a long tradition of compassion for people who have been put into labor camps or prison.

I see America through the eyes of the victim. I don’t see any American dream; I see an American nightmare.

It has always been my belief that I, too, will die by violence. I have done all that I can to be prepared.

What we (U.S.) have done, is undertaken diplomacy through public assertions that tend to alienate everyone.

I believe in human beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their color.

Just as a tree without roots is dead, a people without history or cultural roots also becomes a dead people.

Everybody shall be accepted no matter what they stand for, you are not always going to agree on their faith.

What you did to one, you did to all. So they couldn't have that type of religion being taught in the prison.

I myself have never been concerned with whether we are considered known or unknown. It's no problem of ours.

I believe that a psychological, cultural, and philosophical migration back to Africa will solve our problem.

Americans' perceptions of Africa remain rooted in troubling stereotypes of helplessness and perpetual crisis.

To tell a woman not to talk too much was like telling Jesse James not to carry a gun, or a hen not to cackle.

Even as a Muslim minister in the Muslim movement, I have always said that I would work with any organization.

The mother is the first teacher of the child. The message she gives that child, that child gives to the world.

Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it.

Most of the negro leaders who get the support of the power structure end up being against [Reverend] Galamison.

The Negro is nothing but an ex-slave who is now trying to get himself integrated into the slave master's house.

Being an old farm boy myself, chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad; they've always made me glad.

'Unlikely Brothers' talks about the importance of citizen action and shows why and how we can make a difference.

Only those who have already experienced a revolution within themselves can reach out effectively to help others.

The religion of Islam actually restores one's human feelings, human rights, human incentives, human, his talent.

The 22 million or 30 million, whatever the case may be, Afro-Americans in the United States were still Africans.

After four hundred years of slave labor, we have some back pay coming, a bill owed to us that must be collected.

White people whom I have met, who have accepted Islam, they don't regard themselves as white but as human beings.

Segregation is that which is forced upon an inferior by a superior. Separation is done voluntarily by two equals.

There has to be something wrong when a man or a woman leaves his own people and marries somebody of another kind.

America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem.

Revolution is always based on land. Revolution is never based on begging somebody for an integrated cup of coffee.

My Alma mater was books, a good library... I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity.

You don't stick a knife in a man's back nine inches and then pull it out six inches and say you're making progress.

Any time Uncle Sam, with all his machinery for warfare, is held to a draw by some rice eaters, he's lost the battle.

When the Muslims deliver the indictment of the American system, it is not the white man per se that is being doomed.

If the government can't get the black man justice, then it's time for the black man to get some justice for himself.

An English writer telephoned me from London, asking questions. One was, ‘What’s your alma mater?’ I told him, ‘Books.

You don't do anything to further your stay aboard a ship that you see is going to go down to the bottom of the ocean.

America in its entirety is segregationist and is racist. It's more camouflaged in the north, but it's the same thing.

You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.

A new world order is in the making, and it is up to us to prepare ourselves that we may take our rightful place in it.

America is such a paradoxical society, hypocritically paradoxical, that if you don't have some humor, you'll crack up.

The Negro was taught to speak the white man's tongue, worship the white God, and accept the white man as his superior.

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