I live like a man who's dead already! I have no fear whatsoever of anybody or anything

When you are equal with another person, the problem of integration doesn't even arise.

The ability to read awoke inside of me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive.

It is only after slavery and prison that the sweetest appreciation of freedom can come.

A wise man can play the part of a clown, but a clown can't play the part of a wise man.

An integrated cup of coffee isn't sufficient pay for four hundred years of slave labor.

I'm not a Republican, nor a Democrat, nor an American, and got sense enough to know it.

Martin Luther King has taken away from the Negro his Gov-given right to defend himself.

No sane black man really wants integration! No sane white man really wants integration!

History is a people's memory, and without a memory, man is demoted to the lower animals.

Just as there are no little people or unimportant lives, there is no insignificant work.

We're all in the same boat and we all are going to catch the same hell from the same man.

Let's cool it brothers . . . Spoken to his assassins, three men who stabbed him 16 times.

I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against.

It would be the easiest thing in the world for the white man to destroy all Black Muslims.

Sitting at the table doesn't make you a diner, unless you eat some of what's on that plate.

Any time you see someone more successful than you are, they are doing something you aren't.

The Negro's so-called 'revolt' is merely an asking to be accepted into the existing system!

I want to take Negroes out of the ghetto and put them in good neighborhoods in good houses.

There is a source of power in each of us that we don't realize until we take responsibility.

Western interests: imperialism, colonialism, exploitation, racism, and other negative -isms.

Nonviolence is his, is his method. Well, my objective is the same as [Martin Luther] King's.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us the religion of Islam, which is a religion of peace.

I don’t feel that I am a visitor in Ghana or in any part of Africa. I feel that I am at home.

Revolutions are never waged singing "We Shall Overcome." Revolutions are based upon bloodshed.

If someone puts their hands on you make sure they never put their hands on anybody else again.

So early in my life, I had learned that if you want something, you had better make some noise.

I think that Abraham Lincoln probably did more to trick negroes than any other man in history.

You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.

We don't think that we're begging for anything. We think we're demanding what is ours by right.

Liberty or death was what brought about the freedom of whites in this country from the English.

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Among Negroes we have Negroes who are as white as some white people. Still there's a difference.

Everybody has a God and believes that his God will deliver him and protect him from his enemies!

We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.

A man who believes in freedom will do anything under the sun to acquire, or preserve his freedom.

If you stick a knife nine inches into my back and pull it out three inches, that is not progress.

I refer to a negro politician as a negro who is selected by Negroes and who is backed by Negroes.

I am not an American; I am one of twenty-two million black people who are victims of Americanism.

The only persons who really changed history are those who changed men's thinking about themselves.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us to get away from the devil as soon and as fast as we can.

I believe in recognizing every human being as a human being - neither white, black, brown, or red.

A segregated school system produces children who, when they graduate, they do with crippled minds.

Negroes just can't judge each other according to color, because we are all colors, all complexions.

Those who would hunt a man need to remember that a jungle also contains those who hunt the hunters.

The black nation of Egypt is the only country that has a science named after its culture: Egyptology

[JF] Kennedy was a deceitful man. He was a cold-blooded politician whose purpose was to get elected.

We may disagree on methods [with Martin Luther King], but we don't have to argue all day on methods.

At the same time Reverend Galamison policy is intelligent enough where he can't be used to attack me.

I think teaching a man to hate himself is much more criminal than teaching a man to hate someone else.

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