I am so proud to be a Canadian.

Forgiving is not an easy thing to do.

I'm not afraid of IED's, bullets, mortars.

Maintaining my dignity is so important for me.

With awareness come responsibility and choice.

What happened to me in Somalia doesn't define me.

I know firsthand how critical support systems are.

The solution to terrorism is education, not bombs.

What a woman is taught, she shares with her family.

Women in Somalia face almost unimaginable oppression.

Trust in Allah, but tie up your camel.' Sign in Skardu

He was a man who understood the virtue of small things.

If you really want to change a culture... empower women.

I think that I find a lot of my healing out in the world.

Being in the dark, there's a real weight to it. It's heavy.

Every day I have many choices to make about who I want to be.

I have watched lives change. I have seen women gain confidence.

Somalia is very dangerous, and no one knows that better than I.

We all waited on an afterlife. Only I planned to be alive for mine.

My confidence came from the way I grew up, and I'm grateful for it.

America has a critical place to play in the end of extreme poverty.

Somalia is an important story in the world, and it needed to be told.

The older I get, the more I appreciate my childhood. It was paradise.

You have a responsibility to move your dreams forward, no matter what.

The Pathan people of Waziristan are proud people who I greatly admire.

I'm afraid of elevators, because they are an enclosed space, but I get in.

Slow down and make building relationships as important as building projects.

Really, what education does is it gives opportunity, but it also gives hope.

Getting on a plane is hard for me, but I do it, because travel is vital to me.

In my version of paradise, the air was always cold and the rivers ran with candy.

When your kids accomplish something it means much more than anything you've done.

I don't think I'm unusual in that, in my 20s, like many people, I felt invincible.

I never felt an obligation to say every single terrible thing that happened to me.

People don't need to become more aware of poverty - they need to know how to end it.

A little goes a long way in Somalia: $5 will feed a person there for about two weeks.

Friendships that don't fit my life anymore have faded away, and new ones have come in.

It was a slow understanding that my kidnappers really are a product of their environment.

I really consider my goal is that, wherever I am in life, I want to be a social advocate.

I think it's the human spirit inside of all of us that has an enormous capacity to survive.

Contemplating Christmas when you are isolated and far from home brings its own unique pain.

I say if you fight terrorism, it's based in fear, but if you promote peace, it's based on hope.

If you teach a boy, you educate an individual; but if you teach a girl, you educate a community.

Hillary Clinton has a strong and powerful voice regarding ending violence against women and girls.

I went through an extremely trying ordeal, but I never forgot the world outside was a beautiful place.

The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination - what do you dream of wanting to do?

After being in captivity for so long, I can't begin to describe how wonderful it feels to be home in Canada.

. . . hope resides in the future, while perspective and wisdom are almost always found by looking to the past.

It was a slow understanding that the lack of education in a country like Somalia creates these huge social problems.

But what I really believe is education is a key to pretty much everything - prosperity, economics, peace, stability.

And they did it with something that is basicly worthless in our society - pennies. But overseas, pennies can move mountains

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