If you don't fix latent failures in your system, you're asking for trouble.

Dragons and bridges are very much something out of fairy tales and fantasy.

I wish you all good things. Live your life, live your life, live your life.

I wanted to be acknowledged as an artist, not just some kiddie-book artist.

Openness is something any teacher strives to instill in his or her students.

We're going to Surf City, gonna have some fun. Now, two girls for every boy.

What can make your work interesting is as much who you are, as how you draw.

By means of tracing-paper I transfer my design to the wood and draw on that.

There are certain pieces of music that are always attached to certain books.

The student learns rules but all the rules in the world never make a picture.

Drawing must seek interest, not admiration. Because admiration wears quickly.

My short attention span has allowed me a life of diversity in work and place.

Finding out that I was gay when I was older was a shock and a disappointment.

The subject itself is of no account; what matters is the way it is presented.

I get very creative when I'm trapped in a plane and I can't do anything else.

To be perfectly honest, if it was up to me, I would be invisible as an artist.

Violence is never the right answer, unless used against heathens and monsters.

Art is the expression of those beauties and emotions that stir the human soul.

Architecture should be dedicated to keeping the outside out and the inside in.

I get to show the reader the essence of the book without giving anything away.

What is the point of it all? Not leaving legacies. But being ripe. Being ripe.

I don't write for children. I write, and somebody says, 'That's for children.'

If you're making it up, make it up good. And then believe in what you made up.

As a kid, all I thought about was death. But you can't tell your parents that.

Corgis are enchanted. You need only to see them in the moonlight to know this.

When I'm sitting at my drafting table in my studio, I could really be anywhere.

Like a mermaid rising from an ocean of paper, the girl emerged across the room.

In her whimsical debut author Brynne Barnes celebrates the colors of our world.

I regret very much that I have painted a picture that requires any description.

...Almost everything inside was filled with sugar, cheese, and weight-loss tips.

Readers often bring a different set of criteria to the work based on the format.

For me drawing is an attempt to understand what I feel about the world I live in.

its not bad to be different. Sometimes it's the mark of being very very talented.

They don't send people from large corporations to hire people to make sculptures.

I think, for the most part, our culture embraces that artists are born, not made.

Making books is hard work. Some books are, of course, more demanding than others.

I've found places that are just as beautiful as New England, but this is my home.

Awards are great, but they're not who you are, and pop culture isn't who you are.

I don't believe in an afterlife but I still fully expect to see my brother again.

There isn't any art until some creature sees and consumes it. And has a reaction.

There is no other dog that can compare to a Corgi. They're the epitome of beauty.

I write for what's left of the eight-year-old still rattling around inside my head

Mothers and children are human beings, and they will sometimes do the wrong thing.

Good and bad ideas both come from the same fountain of speculation and experiment.

For myself, I've kind of always been interested in pets because they're not human.

There is no tube of paint that says, 'Don't know.' I have to come to grips with it.

I write for what's left of the eight-year-old still rattling around inside my head.

I doubt if there is a single really excellent art school now available in New York.

When you hide another story in a story, that’s the story I am telling the children.

The experience of reading a comic should not be the time it takes to turn each page.

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