You can't get rid of evil. We can't, and I feel that so intensely.

I use visual perception as a way of bringing people into my space.

The Federal Department of Odds and Ends: sweepus underum carpetae.

Whenever I start a project, I have a broad range of possibilities.

What's the use? The people are too stupid. They do not understand.

I'm always a bit disappointed when I've finished working on a book.

I don't like to travel. Yet all my books seem to involve a journey.

Even the most complicated stories start with a very simple premise.

I think the leaders inevitably express the people they are leading.

What part of Canada are you from, honey?" "THE LEFT PART," said Jay.

I'm always a little apprehensive about 'decoding' fictional stories.

Artists need to fill themselves to overflowing and give it all back.

Will you come with me, sweet Reader? I thank you. Give me your hand.

Your subjects have had a history - try to reveal it in your picture.

A good deal of large and rather interesting work is drifting my way.

Don't take my criticisms as iron-clad rules but more as suggestions.

A lecture is an occasion when you numb one end to benefit the other.

Washing dishes is the anecdote to confusion. I know that for a fact.

My life in Brooklyn was in constant danger because of my bad health.

Grown-ups are afraid for children. It's not children who are afraid.

The most interesting part of my life is of no concern to the public.

Kids tell you what they think, not what they think they should think.

I'm scared of watching a TV show about vampires. I can't fall asleep.

I don't believe in things literally for children. That's a reduction.

Daydreaming with pencil and paper is a respectable form of meditation.

I'm still as enamored and turned on by work as I was when I was young.

My work is not great, but it's respectable. I have no false illusions.

I started publishing my comic while I was still living with my parents.

In order to have creativity, you have to allow for dead ends to happen.

I just had to plod along without having any teaching, which was a pity.

Each month is gay, Each season nice, When eating Chicken soup With rice

I don't write for children. I write and someone says it's for children.

I spy, with my little eye, something that starts with ... G." "Sausages.

Your house is all about routine, not the unexpected events of your life.

I think it likely that some of my pupils will reach unusual distinction.

I should like to make myself free to all who care to attend my lectures.

if something does go wrong, here is my advice... KEEP CALM and CARRY ON.

I want to see me to the end working, living for myself. Ripeness is all.

I know that if there’s a purpose for life, it was for me to hear Mozart.

I have lots of ideas. The problem for me has always been which one to do.

I loved to draw. I always did. I started when I was about five years old.

There should be a place where only the things you want to happen, happen.

Children surviving childhood is my obsessive theme and my life's concern.

Girls are infinitely more complicated than boys, and women more than men.

My brother, who was older, was the gifted one, much more talented than I.

I don't make proper flower arrangements; mine just grow, like the garden.

'Peanuts' is a life-long influence, going back to before I could even read.

It will always take a certain audacity to write or to make art of any kind.

My ideas are not meant to suggest dreams or reality, but a surreal quality.

I take back all I ever said about the Old Masters. They give great lessons.

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