Be hard on yourself, easy on others.

My life has been devoted to peacemaking.

I am a supporter of the state of Israel.

Fanaticism and terrorism have no place in Islam.

The death of the self lies in the life of the heart

I had a lot of trouble accepting God as a human being.

Whoever is not made glorified by taqwa can find no glory.

Only someone who is sincere recognizes what showing off is.

The sources of human problems have to do with egotism, ‘I.’

Knowledge is not what is memorised. Knowledge is what benefits.

Whoever attacks a matter without knowledge cuts off his own nose.

Being cheerful and affable with people is by itself half of wisdom.

To be able to thank Allah for a blessing is a blessing within itself.

Wealth remains behind on earth while ibadaah accompanies you into the grave.

Do not vie with others in the accumulation of wealth. Vie with them in Ibadaah.

Who are we to wish for Paradise? It will be enough if Allah spares us his wrath.

If I were you I would face my clothes, to make sure that no one runs off with them!

You can't push anything to happen if you can't push a blanket off your body at fajr.

'Jihad' can mean holy war to extremists, but it means struggle to the average Muslim.

You get involved in politics because politics are a weapon to use in the cause of Islam.

You might be far from Allah, but, He is close to you! Turn to Him and you will find Him.

You say that you are just a body, but inside of you is something greater than the Universe.

Faith does not increase, nor does it decrease; because a diminution in it would be unbelief.

This life is the greatest lie ever told and the hereafter is the greatest truth ever unknown

Yusuf Qaradawi is probably the most well-known legal authority in the whole Muslim world today.

How strange! You seek guidance, yet you do not tread its path, surely a boat does not sail on land.

Attachments stir the soul, ignite the emotions. Guard what moves you, reserving that for the truth.

Bigotry toward any faith community cannot have any place in civilized society anywhere in the world.

I condemn everyone and anyone who commits acts of terrorism. And Hamas has committed acts of terrorism.

In spite of the polls, the fact is that American Muslims are very happy and they thrive in this country.

I'm not an agent from any government, even if some of you may not believe it. I'm not. I'm a peacemaker.

Never does any pride enter the heart of a man ex­cept that his in­tel­li­gence de­creases by the same amount.

My sin burdened me heavily. But when I measured it against Your Grace, O Lord, Your forgiveness came out greater.

There is not on the face of the earth-after the Book of Allah - a book which is more sahih than the book of Malik.

You take the best of our tradition as a start, and I'll take the best of Christianity ... From there we can build.

When you are frustrated and do not know a way out, only flexibility and moderation towards difficulties will save you.

My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me, and that what misses me was never meant for me.

Any organization or any individual that targets civilians and kills them for political agenda is a terrorist organization.

If you want to know the religion of a man, do not look at how much he prays and fasts, rather, look at how he treats people.

Islamic law is clearly against terrorism, against any kind of deliberate killing of civilians or similar 'collateral damage.'

In time, this so-called democracy will crumble, and there will be nothing. And the only thing that will remain will be Islam.

To admonish your brother in private is to advise him and improve him. But to admonish him publicly is to disgrace and shame him.

There are always people who will - who will do peculiar things and think that they are doing things in the name of their religion.

If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate.

The loftiest in status are those who do not know their own status, and the most virtuous of them are those who do not know their own virtue.

Our enemy is not Islam. Islam is not the enemy of America; Americans are not the enemy of Islam. Our real enemy is extremism and radicalism.

We tend to forget in the West that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than Al Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims.

We are not going to toy with our religion or any other. Nor are we going to barter. We are here to extend our hands to build peace and harmony.

Religion is defined by the relationship between God and man. And Islam is the submission and the acknowledgment of the human being to the creator.

If Muslims curse the Christians, then the Christians will curse the Muslims. And people will curse Allah, and Allah will hold us responsible for that.

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