I'm dying always.

On stage, I am in the dark.

Only my dogs will not betray me.

I am a person of the 18th century.

I can't imagine life without singing.

The media can be a really strong vehicle.

Only when I was singing did I feel loved.

Paris dictates fashion to the whole world.

Opera is for a lifetime, not just a minute.

I don't need the money, dear. I work for art.

Oh, that was a good time, when I was unhappy.

Pigeon-holes are only comfortable for pigeons.

Love is so much better when you're not married.

So you see, movies are really another dimension.

Love is so much better when you are not married.

I will not be sued! I have the voice of an angel!

Neither coquetry nor love is imbued with discretion.

I walk an 11-minute mile without huffing and puffing.

I went to the Conservatory of Music in school in Rome.

My arias make me take off as if I were on a trampoline.

When my enemies stop hissing, I shall know I'm slipping.

I want to keep learning, keep exploring, keep doing more.

I prepare myself for rehearsals like I would for marriage.

I am not one to equate dress size and artistic performance.

The word 'no' is a very good word in a singer's repertoire.

Music is a way to dream together and go to another dimension.

Arizona is gorgeous. The sunshine in Arizona is gorgeous red.

People are drawn to the spiritual. It has a universal appeal.

When the curtain rises, the only thing that speaks is courage.

I am grateful that my horizons were not narrowed at the outset.

I will always be as difficult as necessary to achieve the best.

I want to be a mature artist with a different kind of thinking.

That's been my sort of aim in life, to never miss an opportunity.

I think Ive learned more about Baroque music than any other genre.

To sing is an expression of your being, a being which is becoming.

I think I've learned more about Baroque music than any other genre.

We don't present our voices to the audience, we resonate our souls.

It is not being deceived, but undeceived, that renders us miserable.

First I lost weight, then I lost my voice, and now I've lost Onassis.

First I lost my voice, then I lost my figure and then I lost Onassis.

I have a particular affliction. I am unable to say a word I can't spell.

I felt that the studio recording process makes you stand still too long.

Poisinet's verses are like spoiled children - loved only by their father.

It's nice to have a great female composer in the program and add her color.

It's like when you want to make a house... the technique is very important.

Don't talk to me about rules, dear. Wherever I stay I make the goddam rules.

I don't know what happens to me on stage. Something else seems to take over.

I'm more confident now than I've ever been. As you get older, you have to be.

I cannot switch my voice. My voice is not like an elevator going up and down.

The public is a monster and that is why I am not eager to return to the stage.

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