The motive power is the cause of all life.

Truth was always but the daughter of time.

Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.

To draw you must close your eyes and sing.

This idea of art for art's sake is a hoax.

I draw like other people bite their nails.

The genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.

Knowing how to look is a way of inventing.

When I got saved, God became my art agent.

It is your duty in life to save your dream.

You can do anything your heart can imagine.

I would like to paint the way a bird sings.

I had so much fire in me and so many plans.

Zaandam has enough to paint for a lifetime.

Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.

Painting is the art of hollowing a surface.

The landscapes were in my arms as I did it.

Connoisseurs think the art is already done.

Art is Knowledge at the service of emotion.

Abstraction and realism work best together.

Ask advice of him who governs himself well.

That which has no limitations, has no form.

In time and with water, everything changes.

Let not your rage or malice destroy a life.

Intellectual passion drives out sensuality.

Artmaking is making the invisible, visible.

A reaction, to be pleasant, must be simple.

There's nothing more difficult than a line.

The purpose of Art is to create enthusiasm.

If there is something to steal, I steal it.

Good designers copy; great designers steal.

The subject comes first, the medium second.

So little of what could happen does happen.

[I am a] contradictory and paradoxical man.

Everyone should eat hashish, but only once.

Someday death will take us to another star.

There are no mistakes, just happy accidents.

No pressure. Just relax and watch it happen.

There are no mistakes, only happy accidents.

The real subject of every painting is light.

I was never one to paint space, I paint air.

I can paint pictures, but I cannot rule men.

The essence of a man is found in his faults.

There is nothing more precious than laughter

Poetry is to a painting what life is to man.

I paint things as they are. I don't comment.

I am isolated as an artist, not as a person.

You bring to a painting your own experience.

A studio is a good place to smoke your pipe.

I prefer the emotion that corrects the rule.

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