Music isn't only a profession.

I want to be famous everywhere.

I wouldn't be caught dead in red.

I am a very superstitious person.

People have a right to criticize.

I am a tenor buff. I hear myself.

Don't get bitter, just get better.

I was an elementary school teacher.

I am always living very good moments.

Italians have no sense of the dramatic.

Get a grip, get a life, and get over it.

I dont get cute I get drop dead gorgeous.

I've always been passionate about fashion.

I am an optimist and have always been one.

Yes, you must have the courage of being free.

You don't need any brains to listen to music.

I do 'sissy with a heart of gold' really well.

I've always said that music is like literature.

Certain things give you another perspective in life.

If you know why you fall in love, you aren't in love

The better voice doesn't mean being a better singer.

Opera is a beautiful and important diversion for me.

I've always been a big fan of the American soul sound.

If you see me once, you cannot confuse me with another.

Even out of severe difficulty, some positive things come.

If I go three days without vocalizing, the voice is gone.

Sometime to be called Pavarotti is not always an advantage.

I love good food but I follow strict rules the days I perform.

Learning music by reading about it is like making love by mail.

It's logical for us to sing, but not necessarily operatic pieces.

Some singers want the audience to love them. I love the audience.

Children should be given the chance to play instruments, to sing.

On the day I'm performing, I don't hear anything anyone says to me.

Why should be elite, music? Excuse me. Music must be for everybody.

I'm a very fortunate man. I have in life everything I could dream of.

Above all, I am an opera singer. This is how people will remember me.

The reason fat people are happy is that the nerves are well protected.

It is a very honest world, our work. I think you cannot fake anything.

The music itself could never take the place of my own passion in life.

Am I afraid of high notes? Of course I am afraid. What sane man is not?

We need to understand that whatever we do, we're all human beings first.

I cannot imagine stopping singing. It is so nice that I even do it as a hobby.

It is not easy for me to sing consonants, and I am sorry if I don't sing the 'S'.

When I sing, I want people to think only about the tenor and only about the music.

Nothing that has happened has made me feel gloomy or remain depressed. I love my life.

I am a little nervous with strangers. But I'm not tight inside. I think I am impulsive.

I want to keep changing the world. It's possible. The black gay lead is ready. It's time.

Broadway! Broad-way! I don't aspire to the middle. I aspire to the tip-tip-top of it all.

I want to reach as many people as possible with the message of music, of wonderful opera.

The happiest moment in my life? When my doctor told me I was completely cured of leukemia.

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