We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving.

I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.

After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands.

A living being seeks, above all, to discharge its strength. Life is will to power.

Every deep thinker is more afraid of being understood than of being misunderstood.

Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.

The individual has always to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.

Whatever harm the evil may do, the harm done by the good is the most harmful harm.

If there is something to pardon in everything, there is also something to condemn.

One may sometimes tell a lie, but the grimace that accompanies it tells the truth.

Before the effect one believes in different causes than one does after the effect.

Love matches, so called, have illusion for their father and need for their mother.

There are no moral phenomena at all, but only a moral interpretation of phenomena.

Art is essentially the affirmation, the blessing, and the deification of existence.

The earth has a skin and that skin has diseases; one of its diseases is called man.

Why does man not see things? He is himself standing in the way: he conceals things.

However unchristian it may seem, I do not even bear any ill feeling towards myself.

It is not the strengths, but the durations of great sentiments that make great men.

Digressions, objections, delight in mockery, carefree mistrust are signs of health.

Fanatics are picturesque, mankind would rather see gestures than listen to reasons.

A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends.

the voice of beauty speaks softly; it creeps only into the most fully awakened souls

A friend whose hopes we cannot satisfy is a friend we would rather have as an enemy.

A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.

When a hundred men stand together, each of them loses his mind and gets another one.

Belief in truth begins with doubting all that has hitherto been believed to be true.

In every age the wisest have passed the identical judgment on life: it is worthless.

A subject for a great poet would be God's boredom after the seventh day of creation.

What can everyone do? Praise and blame. This is human virtue, this is human madness.

In loneliness, the lonely one eats himself; in a crowd, the many eat him. Now choose.

He who cannot obey himself will be commanded. That is the nature of living creatures.

[Heraclitus] concluded that coming-to-be itself could not be anything evil or unjust.

All mankind is divided, as it was at all times and is still, into slaves and freemen.

whatever is profound loves masks; what is most profound even hates image and parable.

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.

From passions grow opinions; intellectual laziness lets these harden into convictions.

Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal.

You must climb above yourself-up and beyond, until you have even your stars under you.

It is the business of the very few to be independent; it is a privilege of the strong.

It is only those who know how to feel that "this is not good" who devise improvements.

All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses.

Woman understands children better than man does, but man is more childlike than woman.

Man's task is simple. He should cease letting his existence be a thoughtless accident.

Childhood has its secrets and its mysteries; but who can tell or who can explain them!

My opinion is, that power should always be distrusted, in whatever hands it is placed.

O my brothers, am I then cruel? But I say: that which is falling should also be pushed!

You want to make him interested in you? Then pretend to be embarrassed in his presence-

There cannot be a God because if there were one, I could not believe that I was not He.

The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad.

Be careful when you cast out your demons that you don’t throw away the best of yourself.

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