The sun still shines.

I seek peace, let me BE peace.

Laws change. Conscience doesn't.

Walls turned sideways are bridges.

Go beyond tolerance to acceptance.

Freedom is about stopping the past.

God, you are my refuge into eternity

Money is just a way of keeping score.

The United States is already antique.

Emotion without action is irrelevant.

When you know who you are you are free.

Each is responsible for his own actions.

Money corrupts the process of reasoning.

About 97% of the media is created by men.

We must always attempt to lift as we climb

Write me as one that loves his fellow-men.

Racism cannot be separated from capitalism.

If you stop struggling, then you stop life.

A fair trial would have been no trial at all.

One must have a tough mind, and a soft heart.

The popular choice is not elected as president.

I am everything I am today, because of my past.

We are never assured of justice without a fight.

Does freedom of speech give the right to offend?

It is such a splendid sunny day and I have to go.

I would like to add I'm innocent. I am not guilty.

Radical simply means 'grasping things at the root.'

Well of course I get depressed sometimes, yes I do.

The little grassroots people can change this world.

Every generation welcomes the pirates from the last.

We ought to be respecting the principle of equality.

An end in terror is preferable to terror without end.

Government is not peaceful; it is inherently coercive.

Worrying about a problem is not a strategy for change.

What this country needs is more unemployed politicians.

This Adonis in loveliness was a corpulent man of fifty.

I say I haven't lost my religion. I've lost my ideology.

I'm involved in the work around prison rights in general.

There will be no prison which can hold our movement down.

Language that is designed to dehumanize has consequences.

All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news.

It's not always the case that Muslims have been theocrats.

Unity in faith is theocracy; unity in politics is fascism.

I have the people behind me and the people are my strength.

Everybody's vote should count equally in the United States.

There are opportunities even in the most difficult moments.

Well, I'm leaning probably toward the sciences like physics.

Human beings cannot be willed and molded into non-existence.

You can educate people on how to preempt their own conflict.

We know the road to freedom has always been stalked by death.

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