Government should make tough decisions in the larger national interests, even if it upsets the people.

Do not rely completely on any other human being, however dear. We meet all life's greatest tests alone.

The abuse dies in a day, but the denial slays the life of the people, and entombs the hope of the race.

You're just gonna create somebody who is, I was gonna say, 'toying with his sexuality.' Pardon the pun.

One is that President Clinton, in his first two years of his term, did not govern as he had campaigned.

To conquer [our enemies] we must dare, and dare again, and dare for ever; and thus will France be saved

Many discouraging hours will arise before the rainbow of accomplished goals will appear on the horizon.

The problem was to get judges who were not afraid to prosecute Saddam despite intimidation and threats.

Banks are an almost irresistible attraction for that element of our society which seeks unearned money.

Let me plead with you, lovers of my Africa, to carry with you into the world the vision of a new Africa

Our party is united. At times, some people may have disagreements and leave, but it is not a big issue.

May my eyes never see and my feet never take me to a society where half the people are held in silence.

Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president.

I suggest that there is a splendid way out of the difficulty of marriage, and that is my way - stay out.

Concord, solidarity, and mutual help are the most important means of enabling animal species to survive.

That’s one of the things that I like about him - because he’s been consistent since he changed his mind.

The highest percentage of African Americans own their own homes today than ever in our nation's history.

The philosophy of Africanism holds out the hope of a genuine democracy beyond the stormy sea of struggle

If all you have to criticise me on is my age or my accent, then you really can't defeat me on the issues.

Without free speech no search for Truth is possible; without free speech no discovery of Truth is useful.

If you're a governor of a big state, people sense your presence a little bit, even your fellow governors.

We must act to shape and mold the future, and leave our imprint on events as they slip past into history.

Mahatma Gandhi will always be remembered as long as free men and those who love freedom and justice live.

In one hand I have a dream, and in the other I have an obstacle. Tell me, which one grabs your attention?

Maybe every once in a while someone associated with me gets a little freaked out and curses somebody out.

War creates its own intensity of hatred... You don't want to use force except as an absolute last resort.

George W. Bush has helped those who have most, hurt those who have least and ignored everyone in between.

I would like to help my people in any way I can. It's difficult times in Pakistan and we all have to help.

I know not what you mean by God; the word God is to me a sound conveying no clear or distinct affirmation.

Every labourer is a father, his labour is his child. Choose your project carefully and achieve it worthily

You need people with the courage to stand up and voice their opposition without being labeled unpatriotic.

Anxiety and Ennui are the Scylla and Charybdis on which the bark of human happiness is most often wrecked.

Then this will only prove again and again, that Monarchy in Germany is he longer capable of a national act.

An awareness of our past is essential to the establishment of our personality and our identity as Africans.

In 1972-73, the Soviets began running operations against me. In 1977, these operations became very serious.

And on the other hand, we see that the Israeli government is attacking that part of the Palestinian leader.

I'm not up on today's television for children, because it's mostly cartoons that don't seem to interest me.

But teleological considerations can lead no further than to a belief and a hope. They do not give certainty.

Nature has cast but two men in the mould of statesmen,--myself and Mirabeau. After that she broke the mould.

The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst.

Well, Hale was one of the first people who suggested to President Johnson that there should be a commission.

The attack did not succeed as well as I had hoped, no small impediment having been the loss of my right leg.

Party politics must be transcended to resolve pressing issues like agrarian matters or other similar issues.

If I had not obeyed that command of God, concerning plural marriage, I believe that I would have been damned.

It is not too much to expect that our children will enjoy in their homes electrical energy too cheap to meter

We represent the only efficient moral, intellectual and political force capable of saving human civilization.

Once Europe existed in a Dark Age and Islam carried the torch of learning. Now we Muslims live in a Dark age.

Real results will emerge when we realize the power of combined individual actions and voices to effect change.

Every person has the choice between Good and Evil. Choose Good, and stand against those who would choose Evil.

Misguided people sometimes create misguided ideas. Some of my ancestors were Oromo. How can I colonize myself?

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