I just didn't want to admit that he was dead.

The word heretic ought to be a term of honour.

Tax and Tax, spend and spend, elect and elect.

Human race cannot coexist with nuclear weapons

Justice is merely incidental to law and order.

One has to swallow a bitter pill to get cured.

What is man's chief enemy? Each man is his own.

I grew up overnight on that day, Dec. 27, 2007.

We must dare, and dare again, and go on daring.

Show my head to the people. It is worth seeing.

One has to work quietly with lot of commitment.

Marriage is the wastebasket for human emotions.

When the people stand up, imperialism trembles.

Terror is everywhere the beginning of religion.

I don't believe we're the party of big business.

Why should you care if you have nothing to hide?

To love and live beloved is the soul's paradise.

You simply cannot hang a millionaire in America.

I'm a dedicated Republican and a proud party man.

Boldness, more boldness, and perpetual boldness!.

Atheism is without God. It does not assert no God.

Labor is the source of all wealth and all culture.

Boldness, and again boldness, and always boldness!

Democracy, republics: What do these words signify?

Dialogue is the essence of parliamentary politics.

The French revolution taught us the rights of man.

Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.

Audacity, and again, audacity, and always audacity.

Female masturbation is permissible unconditionally.

Marriage is no substitute for political experience.

The destination of the deportation is annihilation.

He who does not feed you can demand nothing of you.

The man who is successful is the man who is useful.

My mother always said democracy is the best revenge.

I am not a witch. I'm nothing you've heard. I'm you.

Ethanol is a long-term solution that will take time.

Via money Europe could become political in five years

Only one and half million Jews died in the Holocaust.

I think criticism of good work should stop somewhere.

The more Marines I have around, the better I like it.

Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.

We think that it legitimizes the homosexual lifestyle.

Spineless politics do not change the mind of a tyrant.

People don't eat in the long run - they eat every day.

Infrastructure deficit is an issue in all urban areas.

Frankly, I thought we would have lost the House by now.

After bread, education is the first need of the people.

True liberty is not liberty to do evil as well as good.

A liberty to that only which is good, just, and honest.

Humanity has won its battle. Liberty now has a country.

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