I love soccer.

My English is very bad.

I think happiness is love.

Thieves must sit in prison.

Europeans are really dying out!

I am not prejudiced in any way.

Everyone must hoe his plot daily.

Life would be boring without gossip.

A happy love needs to be reciprocated.

Iraq is a small but very proud nation.

Mistakes can occur during hostilities.

Libya is divided into tribes and clans.

Chess makes man wiser and clear-sighted.

Radicals can be found in any environment.

Fifteen percent of Russia badly polluted.

Terrorism has no nationality or religion.

There is no such thing as a former KGB man.

Nobody should pin their hopes on a miracle.

I'm sure corruption in Chechnya is minimal.

I swim almost every day, a thousand meters.

I do not want to answer provocative question.

Spying has always gone on since ancient times.

I spend a little time every day to play sports.

There is no uniform, global model for democracy.

I did not criticize the Central Bank's position.

Challenging American leadership is not at stake.

Stalin is the most popular figure in all of Russia.

European and American values do not fully coincide.

Europe and the United States are not the whole world.

Those who fight corruption should be clean themselves.

I am never guided by a possible assessment of my work.

Chechnya is part and parcel of the Russian Federation.

You know every stage of your life has an impact on you.

I believe that the presidential term should be limited.

You can swim any way you like in the Dead Sea, actually.

If I said that oil production would collapse I was wrong.

No one should be allowed to violently trample on the law.

Russia doesn't negotiate with terrorists. It destroys them.

Of course, nobody does [want another Cuban Missile Crisis].

We want full-scale normalisation of relations [with Japan].

What is a Rechtsstaat? It is obedience to the existing law.

I will not meddle in America's internal political squabbles.

Cromwell is just as much of a bloody dictator as was Stalin.

We discussed this very important issue yesterday over a beer.

One can feel calm and at ease. Just leave kids alone, please.

My personal position is that society must keep children safe.

I don't read books by people who have betrayed the Motherland.

I don’t regret anything. I did everything absolutely correctly.

Everything will probably never be Ok. But we have to try for it.

Donald Trump is a brilliant and talented person, without a doubt.

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