I'm not a coffee person.

I have never stolen. I am not a thief.

The mandate given to me was one of change.

The most powerful person can wind up in jail.

I believe nobody should be discriminated against.

With proper governance, life will improve for all.

I think President Obama, like myself, is a multitasker.

I will not only not steal, but I will run after thieves.

Strategic partnership is based on a shared set of values.

The Philippines is for the Philippines. We can defend ourselves.

I've been called 'hardheaded,' 'obstinate,' 'unreasonable,' etc.

Mom's paintings are a very small part of the legacy she left behind.

The people want to go back to the time when democracy was in full bloom.

I've talked to so many people, so many institutions, about how China works.

I didn't have any ambition to be president. It was fate. The people found me.

I started out in public service in 1998 after the Asian financial crisis of '97.

I can try to convince somebody else of my beliefs, but I should not be imposing.

The message has to be sent that if you commit a crime there has to be punishment.

When the Walkman was the craze in my generation, I was one of the first to have it.

Although I was born to famous parents, I know and feel the problems of ordinary citizens.

There is a theory that China will tend to push, and if you bend, they will push some more.

China itself has said repeatedly that they will and have been conforming to international law.

The United States is a key ally, a strategic partner, and a reliable friend of the Philippines.

One of the things my father taught me was you should not exclude those who are opposed to your ideas.

I am from the class that has, in a sense, benefited from the status quo, but everyone still gets victimized.

Anytime emotions are involved, you cannot come up with an impartial and objective assessment of any given problem.

I'm not concentrated or concerned with any other factors rather than just being able to do the best job that I can.

Pictorial is something that I am not used to. You have to pose, smile, bend your arm, straighten up, look to the left.

I have to study, study, and study because I have to learn everything. Everyone expects me to be an expert on everything.

The focus of my administration is, if somebody decides to work abroad, then it has to be from choice as opposed to necessity.

We don't get typhoons in December. They normally end by September. A typhoon happening in October is considered a late event.

I had a simple goal in life: to be true to my parents and our country as an honorable son, a caring brother, and a good citizen.

When my father was assassinated, I decided that I would not compete with his memory, but the priority would be to achieve his dream.

Typhoon Haiyan showed the entire world how vulnerable the Philippines as well as other developing countries are to natural disasters.

If we say yes to something we believe is wrong now, what guarantee is there that the wrong will not be further exacerbated down the line?

The Philippines is strategically located and blessed with the greatest resource: its people, who are hard-working, very loyal, and very adaptive.

Perhaps the strongest signal of reengagement with Southeast Asia was the U.S.'s accession to the Southeast Asian Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.

My obsession is to provide food and jobs to people in Tarlac. The province is primarily an agricultural province; food security tops the priority.

President Obama and I recognize the importance of strong economic engagement for the continued growth of both the Philippines and the United States.

Peace in the Middle East is of prime importance to the Philippines, due to the presence of around 2 million of our countrymen working in that region.

I was put into office by the people who believed in my idea that corruption is the root of poverty; that an end to corruption would mean an end to poverty.

In politics, you must learn to say 'no' without offending people. That is an art that one must master: to satisfy a person even when you have to say 'no' to him.

When my father returned home on the twenty-first of August 1983, he had a speech prepared. Filipinos never got to hear it, because he was murdered right on the tarmac.

As you may know, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, or MCC, awards grants only to countries which rule justly, promote economic freedom, and invest in their people.

We in the Philippines know we have to perform our own role in terms of promoting peace in the world. We are actually members of the U.N. peacekeeping forces in many areas.

I am not concerned about getting reelected. I can make the unpopular but necessary decision. Your focus from day one is on your legacy rather than political considerations.

My administration's compact with the Filipino people will demand no less than the attainment of lasting peace and equitable prosperity. We will employ all the tools at our disposal to achieve this.

If my father Ninoy Aquino were alive today, he would say that he is not superman or superboy. In effect, heroes are really just ordinary people caught up in extraordinary times and respond properly.

We will revive the emergency employment program established by former President Corazon Aquino. This will provide jobs for local communities and will help in the development of their and our economy.

While I accept that there are certain things about my private life that will always be of interest to the public, it would be better if you give the same amount of attention to issues that matter as well.

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