How beautiful is the family that recites the Rosary every evening.

The truth of the Christian faith surpasses the capacity of reason.

Sin is a spiritual illness; thus sinners are in need of salvation.

The Rose is without an explanation; She blooms, because She blooms.

Friendship has always belonged to the core of my spiritual journey.

I would never accept the recommendation of the theological faculty.

Are you capable of risking your life for someone? Do it for Christ.

The measure of your success will be the measure of your generosity.

...religion either produces the very best people or the very worst.

The surest mark of a Christian is not faith, or even love, but joy.

Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine.

There is nothing in your mind which wasn't experienced before hand.

We've always had issues up for discussion at Catholic universities.

Kindness is not a bad religion, no matter what name you use for God.

God does some of God's best work with people who are seriously lost.

You have to struggle to stay alive and be of use as long as you can.

I like the catholicity in time: our tradition is one of 2,000 years.

Joy is the experience of knowing that you are unconditionally loved.

It is to this silence [contemplative prayer] that we all are called.

Writing is not just a job. It helps me to pray. It's a way of being.

The principle trap that the devil sets for young people is idleness.

If we do not transform our pain, we will most assuredly transmit it.

By nature all men are equal in liberty, but not in other endowments.

Good can exist without evil, whereas evil cannot exist without good.

Springtime is at hand. When will you ever bloom, if not here and now?

Without God at the beginning, there can be only confusion at the end.

Redemption is possible, and it is the measure of a civilized society.

Precisely where I feel my poverty is where I discover God's blessing.

If you are not able to be silent, you will not be able to speak well.

The Church must persist in the teaching transmitted to her by Christ.

All are called to holiness, and holy people alone can renew humanity.

When you don't need to play the victim or create victims you are FREE

When God went to the cross he made even death itself a place of hope.

True peace consists in not separating ourselves from the will of God.

We should love others truly, for their own sakes rather than our own.

A man who behaves poorly in a Community will not do well in a parish.

I say let's respond as best we can to the victims and their families.

Most Americans would agree that Plowshares is a Theatre of the Absurd.

One of the tragedies of our life is that we keep forgetting who we are

The Church is the body of Christ fashioned by baptism & the Eucharist.

The Eucharist is everything, because from the Eucharist, everything is

There is no peace without justice, and no justice without forgiveness.

Having a school really is the fulfillment of a longtime dream of mine.

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.

Our Lord and the saints accomplished more by suffering than by acting.

Charity is the soul of faith, makes it alive; without love, faith dies.

Solitude is essentially the discovery and acceptance of our uniqueness.

There is no true peace without fairness, truth, justice and solidarity.

May you experience the truth that he, Christ, looks upon you with love.

Beneath the Sacred Host, Christ is contained, the Redeemer of the world

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