Practice humility and patience.

[L]ove is inventive to infinity.

Cast from your heart the bitterness.

Noise makes no good, good makes no noise.

...a great good is worth being long desired.

And what are we doing if we are not doing God's Will?

God uproots the vine that He Himself has not planted.

Fear not; calm will follow the storm, and perhaps soon.

[P]resent misfortune presupposes good luck in the future.

All comes at the proper time to him who knows how to wait.

Indeed, good is not good if one does not suffer in doing it.

Humility is nothing but truth, and pride is nothing but lying.

[A] sick mind cannot be cured by the sheer force of persuasion.

Peace is worth far more than anything they might take from you.

... I am sure that you are the first to do what you teach them.

A man who behaves poorly in a Community will not do well in a parish.

Our Lord and the saints accomplished more by suffering than by acting.

. . . [T]hose persons who console you today may humiliate you tomorrow.

It is not easy to find perfect men in whom there is nothing to criticize.

[E]xcess in the practice of virtue is no less imperfect than the lack of it.

Is it not better to fail after asking advice than to risk acting on our own?

[I]t is His good pleasure that we remain always in the holy joy of His love.

Always be quite simple and sincere and ask God to grant me those two virtues.

...Omit nothing which can advance his work, and not blame others for the delay.

I cannot think of the results of your labors without shame at the little we do.

Let us allow God to act; He brings things to completion when we least expect it.

The wisest persons, surprised by some passion, often say things they later regret.

Nevertheless, when one is ill, one should be submissive to the doctor and obey him.

. . . in the final analysis, virtue is not found in extremes, but in prudence . . .

That's what our Rules engage us to do, to help poor persons, our lords and masters.

O Monsieur de Sergis, how important a matter is submission of spirit to a superior!

Providence must call us and we must follow it, if we are to go forward confidently.

The works of God are not accomplished when we wish them, but whenever it pleases Him.

Charity is the cement which binds Communities to God and persons to one another . . .

The vine-stock bears fruit as long as it is attached to its stem; apart from that, no.

I will always welcome joyfully any opportunity that comes my way to be of service to you

If you must be in a hurry, then let it be according to the old adage, and hasten slowly.

We must love our neighbor as being made in the image of God and as an object of His love.

A doctor who keeps a person from becoming ill deserves more merit than one who cures him.

People are made in such a way that even the holiest ones are liable to offend one another.

do not be surprised by your trials, since the Son of God has chosen them for our salvation.

He also always blesses humble beginnings much more than those accompanied by a lot of show.

All of you desire to belong entirely to God, and God also wants all of you to belong to Him

Since I am a great sinner, I cannot reject those who have been, provided they have good will.

I would rather him to bear patiently with it than to put himself in danger of a greater evil.

If there is any danger in the present weather, in the name of God, Monsieur, wait until spring

We should spend as much time in thanking God for his benefits as we do in asking him for them.

If God is the center of your life, no words are necessary. Your mere presence will touch hearts.

Remember the maxim of the Romans which states that by union and counsel we can achieve anything.

Peace is worth more than all worldly possessions; in addition, God rewards it even in this life.

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