Liza, I love you more than any words can say. You have made me a ...

Liza, I love you more than any words can say. You have made me a complete person. You are everything to me. And I cannot think of living life without you. And I love you forever.

I'm big on research.

Adversity creates comedy.

Broke is a Hollywood term!

Everybody in politics lies.

I am truly my mother's son.

There are no ordinary lives.

I don't believe in miracles.

Every man's entitled to hope.

I took some time out for life.

I love writing family stories.

I don’t trust air I can’t see.

I'm understated in my approach.

It's nice to be taken seriously.

I hardly see myself as a futurist.

Nothing else exists when art does.

Good style, to me, is unseen style.

I intend to be me. Whatever that is.

All authority comes from the people.

I was always a self-conscious person.

I may be getting old, but not foolish.

Clever is the eunuch version of funny.

This life isn't bad for a first draft.

I am a surfer, though quite a poor one.

Move to California. Malibu is paradise.

I want to do whatever I can to survive.

All good work requires self-revelation.

It's show business. No show, no business.

A jazz beat is a dynamic changing rhythm.

I was already set for life when I met her.

Wonder is our need today, not information.

I started as a standup comic and an actor.

Every character when born is a stereotype.

Id rather be nauseous than tired, I think.

'Better Call Saul' gets surprisingly dark.

But I thought love would more than prevail.

I have several different masks that I wear.

The flame is not out, but it is flickering.

Life hardly ever lives up to our anxieties.

Animals are not here for our entertainment.

I'd rather be nauseous than tired, I think.

I wanna keep being productive and creative.

I do love science. My father is a scientist.

Criticism- a big bite out of someone's back.

Ego suppression can be an act of ostentation.

Death is the most beautiful adventure in life.

I'm really excited that I'm able to work again.

Never underestimate the narcissism of a writer.

There's a lot of magic in science, so to speak.

She bit my bodyguard. She bit him in the stomach.

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