I would describe my dancing talents as incredibly deep.

Not having my father around has made me a better person.

I learned from BMX and skateboarding how to take a fall.

Working-class people don't tend to be wooed by celebrity.

Extraordinary allegations require extraordinary evidence.

The biggest losers are those who care only about winning.

Its hard to measure yourself if nobody is challenging you.

Truth is, a triathlete won the Tour de France seven times.

Hard work, sacrifice and focus will never show up in tests.

Chasing records doesn't keep me on my bike. Happiness does.

Every rider trains their muscles but few train their brain.

Make an obstacle an opportunity, make a negative a positive.

If I can win the Tour de France, there is hope for everybody.

I know it is possible to win the Tour without taking anything.

If you worried about falling off the bike, you'd never get on.

Motivation can't take you very far if you don't have the legs.

People come up to me in the street and use words like 'legend.'

I exercise everyday. I swim, I bike, I run and I go to the gym.

I have a fondness for junk food - it still calls me, sometimes.

I want to win wherever I race, the team's invested a lot in me.

It's really incredible to win an Olympic Gold in your home city.

I'm more optimistic about cycling right now than I've ever been.

I realised my whole focus each year is about the Tour de France.

My attitude is that, if you have nothing to hide, why not show it?

I didn't invent the culture, but I didn't try to stop the culture.

I can get obsessive with my training, but it makes you who you are.

We have unrealized capacities that sometimes only emerge in crisis.

The main thing is to not cut yourself and bleed to death in the tub.

Anything is possible, but you have to believe and you have to fight.

Nobody is going to feel sorry for me if I've lost a dollar or $100m.

It's so ironic that the better you get the easier it becomes to win.

I take nothing for granted. I now have only good days, or great days.

The question was, which would the chemo kill first: the cancer or me?

There's no emotion. I just see the gap and, instinctively, go for it.

Made plenty of mistakes along the way - all of which I am truly sorry.

The more the years go by, the more difficult it gets. I'm getting old.

The Olympics is where you see out of this world performances, isn't it?

I had to put it on the line, but it was my Tour to win and mine to lose.

Cycling is a sport of the open road and spectators are lining that road.

I'm not trying to justify myself, or say I'm not sorry, or not contrite.

It was important to score points today and I went for them with my guts.

Winning is about heart, not just legs. It's got to be in the right place.

I have never doped. I can say it again, but I've said it for seven years.

I thought I knew what fear was, until I heard the words 'You have cancer'.

If I can't face my accusers, that's a joke. We did that in medieval times.

We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up or fight like hell.

It can't be any simpler: the farewell is going to be on the Champs-Elysees.

The idea that anybody was forced, or pressured, or encouraged, is not true.

My job in the Tour is to get the sponsor's logo in the most prominent place.

There is no pill, no drug, that can do for you what one hour of exercise can.

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